Home School Review – Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School

As a parent, I sent my children off to the conventional public school systems for 6 years. I faced the frustrations of teachers who were not available to meet with me when it was convenient for me. I raced home from work, risking the scorn of my employers, to deal with situations that had occurred while my children attended these schools who spout their nonsense about safe learning environments, educational benefits, supportive teachers and more, to get to the school to find my child who was crying uncontrollably about the school bully who had taunted him at recess. I realized after 6 years that it was time for a major change. Not only were my children being traumatized by the public school system, but I was being tormented on an almost daily basis.

I searched online, I spoke to other parents, I talked to educators about the possiblilites of home school. And in the end, we chose the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School. I had attended a meeting with their representatives, listened to their presentation, talked with the 50 or so other sets of parents that were there. We were all sharing the same old sad stories about the traditional school system. With the knowledge that I could pull my kids back out of their school at any time and place them back into their old school or follow my own home schooling curriculum, I decided to give them a chance to prove to me that their system would work for my family.

It was undoubtedly the best decision I had ever made. The advantages of this program far outweigh the disadvantages. From the first day I registered them with this school, I received the support of an Instructional Supervisor by phone and by e-mail, explaining to me the process we were following. He was knowledgeable, he was supportive, he was available to me whenever I needed him. Phone calls were returned within 30 minutes of the messages I left when necessary. Curriculum was reviewed for each of my 3 children that had been enrolled, requirements were explained and I was on my way to home schooling my children with a minimum of hassle.

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I did have the same concerns that every other parent has when considering home schooling. The standard question of “What about socialization?” was a mantra running through my head. But I quickly found that the school planned field trips each month for their students to meet kids their own age, as well as have a learning experience at the same time. What a surprise when I found out that their teachers frequently attend these trips as well in an effort to meet their students face to face and get to know them!

I was suddenly in control of my kids’ lives and future. I had access to an up to the minute website that would enable me to see what assignements were due, what tests were coming up, give me suggestions for other web sites to help them with their projects and studying. I had current e-mail addresses and phone numbers for every teacher that my children had. My children had the advantage of being able to attend open tutoring sessions with a qualified teacher who would help them when they were stuck on that math problem! And my children had a way to contact their classmates and work together to get stuff done.

I must include of course, the disadvantages one might find in this program. My children are now home almost all of the time. There is no quiet time, I have to feed my children 3 meals a day, I do have to make sure they get their work done. I do not see any of this as a disadvantage. I know who they are with, where they are, what they are or aren’t eating and if they are doing their work and getting a good education. I am sure that there are disadvantages to this type of school and to this school specifically. If I find out what they are, I’ll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, I will continue to be a proponent of home schooling as a formal education style.

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