How to Write a Murder Mystery in Just 30 Days

The eerie suspense of horror exists within the minds of the creator. A suspenseful mystery begins with an extraordinary main character and a suspenseful plot. What are the key elements to writing a murder mystery?

Eerie moments of life creates suspenseful events; perfect for murder. It isn’t hard to write a murder mystery worth reading. This article will go into depth of writing the perfect mystery in just thirty days.

Just how can you write a murder thriller in thirty days? Simple. Your imagination is the key to any successful thriller. There are several key elements to successfully writing any thriller. This article will express the elements every author should know about before writing a novel.

Organization. Every writer should have a form of organization. The organization should fit you and the current project you are working on. The organization doesn’t have to make sense to everyone else. If the organization works for you and the project than that is what is important.

Characters. Characters are the soul of any manuscript. No manuscript can come alive with no characters. The heart of a novel is the characters. A murder mystery isn’t just based on the crime itself but the characters. Your characters should tell a frightening story. The thriller comes unwound like a ball of twine, revealing all its dark, deep secrets.

Scenes. The scenes tells the horror of the crimes which co-exist within the pages of the manuscript. The scenery of the manuscript should be vivid and frightening. No scene should not be without the visual aides of the creepy thoughts of the imagination of the writer.

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Outline. The outline of any manuscript is a must have. Why? An outline describes the minor and major details of the project. The outline is a key element to writing a murder mystery. No mystery should be without the structure of the manuscript.

Research. Every writer knows that research expands their horizon in the creative world of knowledge. No writer should be without research. Research for any manuscript can be helpful in various ways. The more research conducted within a manuscript project, the more vividly the pages come to life.

Writers block. Funny as this may sound writers block can and is a vital element to writing a manuscript in just thirty days.

With these key elements in motion, a manuscript can be completed within the thirty days. Does it still seem impossible still to reach this goal? It isn’t impossible. How so? The following above elements are just the beginning to completing a large manuscript project at hand.

Those are not the only elements to finishing a manuscript in thirty days. Here are a few more to help determine you reach your goal of completing a novel in thirty days.

Motive. No mystery involving can be well written without a motive to the crimes at hand. A motive is the reason to the insanity of the story. There can be more than one motive to the plot of the manuscript. The motive doesn’t have to make sense, just as long as the motive makes sense to the one who is causing the havoc.

Determination/Patience. The determination of the author can and will determine the outcome of the manuscript. An author must have the determination as well as patience to complete the long process of writing the manuscript. The determination and patience sets the pace and mood for the author to compose a work of art.

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Goal. Every author should set a goal for themselves as writers. Why? With a goal in mind it can help the author to complete various projects at any given moment. A goal will set the pace for the writer to write faster. The goal can not be completed without the author being determined to finish. A goal should be set on a time frame. For example, the writer should write ten pages a day. The key to setting any goal for yourself is you must make the goal small, then work yourself up to the top of the ladder.

Motivation. An author has various obstacles in front of them. How can a writer stay motivated when working long, exhausting hours sitting in front of a computer screen? If a writer completes their goal for the day, or whatever the time frame is set for, they will feel as if they have accomplished something. Motivation begins within the writer.

These elements are the basics to writing the manuscript in thirty days. These may be the basics but you can not write the most eerie murder mystery. The more details a murder mystery has, the more it will catch the readers attention.

In any manuscript, murder mystery or not your opening paragraph and opening chapter should catch the reader’s attention. Every reader loves to be caught in a suspenseful world of cat and mouse. A murder mystery is like a cat and mouse game. How so? The mouse is the victim and the cat is murderer seeking out their victims.

A mystery should keep the readers on their toes, waiting to see what happens on the next page. The murder and crimes taking place inside the pages of the manuscript. The key thing to remember is a murder mystery should leave the readers wanting more. These elements and tips will help you to accomplish the goals of completing a manuscript in thirty days.