Home Remedies for a Runny Nose

A runny nose may not hurt, but it certainly is annoying. What’s more, if not cared for properly, nasal discharge can lead to sinus problems, coughing and ear aches. Fortunately, though, it’s not hard to find a natural home remedy for a runny nose that will help you go through those tissues a little less quickly.

Salt water
One of the simplest ways to clear out the toxins that cause a runny nose is to wash the nostrils with a saltwater solution. It is a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t take long. Dissolve a tablespoon of ordinary salt in eight ounces of warm water. Suck a little into a dropper and, with just the tip of the dropper in your nostril, drop the solution into your nose. Then inhale very gently to draw the water in further. It may take a few drops before you feel any improvement. Finally, blow your nose to clear out any excess water and nasal discharge.

Spicy foods
If you’re one of the many who reach for the tissues every time you eat hot peppers or curry, it may seem a little odd to suggest that spicy foods can work as a home remedy for a runny nose. While it’s obvious that hot foods clear up nasal congestion, they can also help you cure your runny nose.
What you’re actually doing is temporarily increasing nasal discharge so that your body can flush out the blockage and toxins that are making your nose run in the first place. In any case, spicy foods, particularly cayenne peppers and ginger, help increase circulation, which will warm you up if you have the chills.

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Mustard oil
Another simple but effective home remedy for a runny nose is plain mustard oil. Heat a little of the oil until it’s barely warm. Use a dropper to put just a drop in one nostril. Give the oil a minute or two to absorb, then put oil in the other nostril. Because the oil is so strongly scented, it makes it a little hard to breath, so only so do one nostril at a time.

Garden-variety thyme also works as a home remedy for a runny nose. Take a tablespoon or two or dry thyme and crush it as finely as possible. You should end up with a powder. If you happen to have a mortal and pestle, this is the easiest way to do it, but the back of a spoon will work, as well. Then gently inhale the powdered thyme. You can also use oil of thyme in the same way as the mustard oil mentioned above.

Tumeric is popular in traditional Indian medicine for curing a variety of ills, including a runny nose. To use this home remedy, start by soaking dry, ground turmeric in linseed oil. You can usually find pure linseed oil at health food stores. Next, you’ll need to hold the turmeric over a heat source until it starts smoldering. Carefully inhale the smoke through your nose.

Prop up your head
Propping your head up while you sleep can also help you get over a running nose faster. This helps the nasal discharge drain out instead of running down your throat and causing coughing and ear aches. Try to keep your head elevated at least 10 inches.

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If you’re trying to cure a runny nose, rest assured that you don’t have to resort to potentially harmful nasal sprays to do it. You can start off simply with a bowl of spicy chili to clear your nasal passages and if that doesn’t work experiment with a salt water cleanse, thyme powder or another natural home remedy for a runny nose.
