Home Decorating Theme – Fairy Goth

The Goth subculture is far more than all things black and depressing. There’s actually a wide array of styles and types, many of them overlapping. In this article we’ll look at home decorating ideas for a slightly newer trend, the Fairy Goth.

As the name implies, a Fairy Goth home would be mystical and dreamy. Resting on a nebulous foundation of fantasy and wishes; this escape from the mundane might have tiny lights diffused by sheer fabric gracefully draped from the ceiling, unicorns and dragons companionably sharing shelf space, or fantasy and anime art hanging on the walls by delicate ribbons. Prints by Amy Brown and Jessica Galbreth are popular. Where a Medieval Goth would hang a well-crafted sword a Fairy Goth might display a treasured magic wand.

Colors could include pastel shades of green or blue, pink, white, black, and lavender. Variations such as dark fairy might change the palette to varying darker shades of blue, green, and purple. An earth fairy might favor a spectrum of browns and reds including russet, yellow, and other autumn hues.

Fabrics would be soft, wispy, sheer, or glittery. Chiffon, lace, tulle, organza, silk, and soft cotton are good choices. Even fleece could work here as a comfy blanket.

Furniture could be simple basic pieces that are either painted or covered. Futons or overstuffed sofas would work, or modern pieces with sheer fabric wound around them to soften the edges. Slip covers, throws, and tablecloths are always a relatively inexpensive way to make your furniture fit in with your décor.

Now that we have an idea of what we are trying to achieve, the next question is where to find what we need?

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For the fabrics, you probably won’t have to go any farther than your local fabric store. But I have found a few sites with some beautiful fabric you might not find in your location.

http://www.fantasyfabricblocks.com – This site offers cotton and silk fabric blocks of art from well-known fairy artists such as Amy Brown and Jasmine Becket Griffith.

http://www.equilter.com – With so many different fabrics so neatly categorized it isn’t hard to find their fairy, unicorn, and various other fantasy prints.

For accents and accessories, I have to admit that Hot Topic does carry a lot of Amy Brown merchandise, as well as dark fairy items. For those in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, Vikon Village Flea Market in Garland, TX has several shops with fantasy and mystical figurines. And naturally, there are also lots of online resources.

http://www.mysticunicorn.com – This site includes anime art, wands, prints by Amy Brown, Jessica Galbreth, and others, fairy figurines, unicorn collectibles, and more.

http://www.unicorns.com – It goes without saying that this site has several unicorn items. By browsing the pages I also found some figurines with fairies as well.

There are several small crafts that can enhance your fairy utopia. You could do something as simple as buying a set of LED rope lights from your local Lowe’s or Home Depot and winding them around a bookcase or concealing them behind a draping swath of tulle for a soft glow, or explore some slightly more complicated projects.

http://www.offray.com/garnymph.htm – Make your own ribbon fairy, or several, using this tutorial.

http://home.howstuffworks.com/guide-to-decorating-wooden-furniture-ga.htm – A comprehensive guide for changing your wooden furniture; covering enamel, stenciling, decals, and more.

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http://www.realsimple.com/realsimple/gallery/0,21863,1057748-1,00.html – Another excellent source of information about painting various furniture pieces, including wicker, metal, lamps, mirrors, and hardwood floors. Even rugs, throw pillows, and curtain rods are covered.

Transforming your home into your personal Fairy Goth getaway can be fairly inexpensive and fun. Your wonderland awaits!