High School Science Fair Projects

High school science fair projects can be fun and challenging. Catch the eye of your teacher or the judges by picking a project with a new twist. Remember teachers and judges have been doing this job for years and have seen a lot of high school science fair projects. Look for something original and not too easy. If the judges and the teacher see that you did not put much work into your high school science fair project then your grade will reflect that. On the other hand if you worked hard on it and give a lot of data in the form of charts, numbers and pictures then you will get a great grade and maybe even place in the high school science fair.

I remember two high school science fair projects that I did. One year I did a simple study on the effect of lights on plants. Another year I trained two cats and two dogs the same tricks and compared the learning rate of the dogs to the cats. The dogs learn faster.

Listed below are a few high school science fair projects that you can choose from or maybe they will give you an idea.

1) What’s in our local water? Check different areas in your city using a water testing kit. Include your facet water, local bottled water, reverse osmosis, water puddles, ponds, lakes, school water, snow, rain and pools. You may even go to a water treatment center. Gather information right from the source.

Materials: Home water test from a hardware store, Containers for water, Water samples

Visual inspection may include:




You may test each sample for the following or find a test that you like.

Bacteria, Pesticides, Copper, Chlorine, Nitrate, Nitrite

[Why is this a great High School Science Fair Project]

You will lean about your local water supplies, what is in them and why our cities spend so much on filtering systems. You will also learn a little about Chemistry while testing each sample. Studying water is also green and everyone is going green.

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2) How does fish oil affect learning? Take 2 rats and feed them both the same food but give 1 fish oil. Train both in a maze or train them to do tricks. Make charts following each rats successes and failures. You may also choose another supplement that helps the brain.

For example:

Materials: 2 rats, (talk to a pet store about pet supplies for the rats), treats (special food not everyday food), fish oil, dropper to feed fish oil, notebook for charting

Feed both rats the recommended amount of food.

Day 1: Feed Rat 1 fish oil using the dropper. Start training both rats. Note the successes and failures of both rats. They would be expected to do the same on this day.

Day 2: Do the same as for day 1. Each day predict which rat will do better. Continue on each day until both rats are trained for the number of tricks that you planned or that time allows.

[Why is this a great High School Science Fair Project]

This project will show you how important it is to have a well rounded diet and that sometimes supplements can give you that boost that you need. You will also add to your learning on basic Health class and Biology class. You may also learn some patience and kindness in dealing with rats.

3) What grows better? Grow several types of plants using fertilizer, the same type of plants using the same dirt but no fertilizer and a 3rd using composting. You may also include hydroponics, that is using water and minerals only to grow plants. You may include in your test plant growth, fruit production, and/or differences in taste.

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[Why is this a great High School Science Fair Project]

You will learn more about the environment and not only have a better idea of where our food comes from but also how much work goes into growing our nations food supply. This can give you a better understanding in both Biology and Aquaculture (Ag). This is also a green high school science fair project.

4) What way do we learn best? Have the groups test their learning style. Then break them into equal groups with each group having each learning style. Group 1 will learn on their own memorizing the material. Group 2 will work in a group to memorize the same information. Group 3 will learn a song (that you made or found) of that information and practice together. Group 4 will learn the same song or songs as Group 3 except they will learn the song individually. Test each group and show the results on different charts. Do this several times with different information to get the best charts and numbers.

[Why is this a great High School Science Fair Project]

You will learn the best way to study for future tests and the best way to get information to others. This information will benefit you in all parts of your life and in every subject that you take.

5) How people respond to kindness and rudeness. Form a group of questions to ask a mixture of people. The more people the better. Ask some people the questions in a kind way and ask others in a rude way.

For example: Kindness: Excuse me sir? Could you show me where the restroom is? Thank you! (Smile and head in that direction)

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Rudeness: Hey, hey man tell me where the bathroom is?

Tone of voice: Use both forms of questions with two different tones of voice.

Note the difference in the reaction between the 4. Be careful in who you approach and do not be mean or do anything that would cause you or anyone else harm. The best way would to ask people that you know. You could ask your family, neighbors and friends to participate and take the samples over a period of time. Tone of voice.

[Why is this a great High School Science Fair Project]

You will learn how to deal with people every day. You may improve your social skills. This will also help you in all of your life. Which will help you to get a job in the future or just more friendly smiles.

6) Do different plants do better if they are planted during a particular phase of the moon?

7) How does temperature affect fish?

8) Do fish act different with different lights?

9) Does light have an affect on hen laying eggs?

10) Purify different types, and brands of butter by melting it in a coffee pot. Measure the milk and all other non butter products of each type and brand.

11) How does sleep affect memory?

12) Static electricity and how it moves small items.

13) Show how sports and being healthy go together.

14) Build a car that runs on wind power.

15) How does a nap help memory, stamina or personality.