Common Herbs to Help Anxiety

Anxiety is a nervous state experienced by a person not necessarily because of a situation, but because of a past memory he is experiencing or rehearsing in his mind. Many individuals experiencing anxiety is consciously aware of the original source of the feeling. An individual may be anxious because of a memory being excited by present circumstances, not because they may be in eminent danger, can also stem from everyday stress. Medications are most often prescribed by a doctor to help combat anxiety. However, for various reason individuals turn to herbal herbs for anxiety as remedies.


Valerian is one of the most popularly used herbs to help anxiety known today as a treatment. The valerian root and rhizomes are dried and crushed into teas, tinctures, pills and powders. Therefore, acting as a sedative causing sleepiness and thus reducing anxiety, Valerian can be taken both orally or infused in a bath. The positive advantage of valerian is that it may not cause mental or physical hangover effect the following day.

St John’s Wort

This herb as long been known as a tonic for the brain and it’s medicinal name is Hypreicum Performatum. St John’s Wort is considered a safe herb however it is not recommended for allergic or photosensitive individuals. Long sleeves clothing and sunscreen protection are recommended when in the sun. St John Wort is a natural herb for anxiety used all over the world.

All parts of the plant is used however the leaves, flower and stems are most potent than the other parts of the plant. St. John’s Wort can be taken as a tincture, mixed with water or in a capsule form according to a qualified herbalist. Teas can also be brewed from the dried leaves. Never take St John’s Wort without consulting a herbalist or naturopathic physican as It interferes with other medications and contraception.

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Winter Cherry

Otherwise called Ashwagandha Root. It is one of the popular herbs used in Ayurveda practice. Winter Cherry is the root of an evergreen shrub and a well known herb used to help anxiety, that is recognized for the properties associated with increasing the bodies’ resistance to stress making it ideal to treat anxiety. In a study done by Ayurveda practitioners, Winter Cherry was given to patients suffering from anxiety, mental and physical fatigue. The results showed a definite improvement in there emotion and physical stress tolerance. It is recommended that Winter cherry be taken 2-6 weeks for optimal benefit.

Kava Kava

Medicinal name Pipe Methisticum

Kava is a rhizome originated in the South pacific, there it is used in ceremonial and social practices. Kava is known to have a relaxing effect on the mental and physical state of mind thus making it appropriate in the treatment of anxiety. Kava has been used by many people including celebrities and politicians to ‘take the edge off’ It does not slow the mental capacity, but it relaxes the muscles, calms the nerves and gives one the general feeling of well begin. Kava has no side effects and can be drunk anytime and is a great herb to help anxiety.


Lavender is a herb grown not only for it’s scent and beautiful flowers, but also for it’s herbal abilities.
Lavender is a general tonic and sedative use for various melancholies including anxiety. It is well used for anxiety treatment and one of the best natural natural herbs for anxiety. It is best taken as a tea or used as a oil to inhale and massage the body for a calming effect. For anxiety, relaxation plays a great role, relax in a bath using lavender oil sprinkle a cup of dreid flower in a bath bath of hot water.

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Lemon Balm

Medicinal name is Passionflore incanata

This herb is as a restorative for the nervous system it is a non drowsy remedy. It is a nerve tonic that is used to sooth the nervous system. Some researchers have said lemon balm, and a little valerian is as powerful as some tranquilizers without the side effects. Lemon Balm is safe for even children or the elderly to take. This herb is best taken as a tea brewed it can also be crushed and rub on the skin or in the clothes to excit the senses.

Soothing tea for anxiety

Combine lavender, passion flower, lemon balm, and peppermint. Use 2 tbsp to 1 quart of boiling water. Pour water over herbs and seep for 5 minutes, sweeten with honey and drink up to 4 cups per day as needed.

Anxiety induced insomnia

Make this tea to alleviate insomnia
Combine 1tsp chamomile, 1tsp bungle weed, and 1tsp valerian, infused with boiling water for 7 mins. Stain and sweeten to taste with honey, drink half an hour before bed

Word of Caution

Kava Kava can cause drowsiness, if this occurs discontinue or reduce use.

Avoid Ephedra (ma huang)as it can aggravate anxiety.

Chamomile can cause a ragweed allergy to occur if used on an ongoing basis.
