Hepatitis B Vaccine – Risks and Benefits

Hepatitis B is a horrendous disease, and I will admit that, however, it is not a contagious disease in the way measles or flu viruses are. In order to get Hepatitis B you must come in contact with the blood of an infected carrier or have sexual contact with someone who is a carrier. Children and especially babies are typically in no danger of contracting Hepatitis B. In 1997 the Hepatitis B vaccine was released to be injected into newborn babies, yet in 1996 there were 54 total number of cases of Hepatitis B in the age group from 0 to 1 year of age in the United States. Out of hundreds of millions of people and millions of those being infants, there were only 54 cases.

The release of the Hepatitis B vaccine in 1997 showed 1080 reactions reported to VAERS, and it is estimated that only 10% or less of total vaccine reactions are reported as doctors simply consider the reactions normal and therefore do not give the reactions enough credence to be a necessity to report. All doctors should report ALL vaccine reactions so a full picture of the vaccines efficacy and potential dangers can be studied and known because a mild reaction to one individual can mean a fatal reaction to another and without accurate reporting, they defend a “Safe vaccine” policy because the truth cannot be known. With the Hepatitis B vaccine many of the reactions were seizures and there were 47 deaths attributed to the Hepatitis B vaccine. Most of the cases of Hepatitis B in infants can be predicted by finding out if the mother has hepatitis B, if not then it is unlikely that the infant will contract it. Think about it 47 babies died in order for 54 infants to not contract the disease, (remember, these are not 54 deaths, just 54 cases). Clearly, in my opinion, the Hepatitis B vaccine risks and the benefits are out of balance on this vaccine, with the weight being on the, “RISK”, side.

See also  Recombivax Hepatitis B Vaccine Ingredients

In other words, millions of babies were injected with toxic chemicals which babies systems cannot deal with, more than a thousand and possibly tens of thousands of babies were damaged to prevent roughly 54 cases of Hep B. Secondly most of those vaccinated will lose the antibodies within 12 years after the vaccine so by the time they reach an age where sex and drug use might play a role in their contact with Hep B, they will no longer be protected.

Hepatitis B contains both aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal which are both powerful Neurotoxins and although they reduced the levels of Thimerasol in Hep B, it is still the second most toxic element known to man and should in no level be administered into the body of your little infant. This is one vaccine that in my opinion is proof that the driving force behind the vaccine schedule has little to do with protecting your child and nearly everything to do with making a fortune for a few rich and elite corporations and their CEO’s.


Dr. Mercolas Article on Hep B, should be very enlightening..

My article on Aluminum Hydroxide

My article on Thimerasol

Disclaimer: This article, “Hepatitis B Vaccine The Risks / Benefits”, is not intended to give medical advice. It is a call to educate yourself so that in making a decision where your child is concerned, you should take an active role in learning all you can from medical experts on both sides of the fence, then make an educated decision. we did not make an informed decision until one son got Leukemia and another developed Autism immediately after receiving his MMR vaccine. This has sent us on a quest to inform ourselves and others to seriously question what kind of toxic soups are being injected with the vaccines. Odds are if your child is injured by a vaccine, you have little or no recompense against the industry.

See also  The Hepatitis B Vaccine: What the Manufacturer's Insert Tells Us
