Help! My Hair is Falling Out! Practices for Improving Hair Growth Stimulation

It’s not just older people who have thinning or balding hair. Young people have problems to. For example, the use of hair spray, on a daily basis, can dry hair out and make it more susceptible to breaking. Regular use of dyeing hair can lead to thinning and baldness. Brushing or combing hair too hard will pull hair out. Even a harmless cowlick may turn out to be the start of an enormous bald spot. Here are some practices people have used to try for a fuller head of hair. Some people have had success with them and some haven’t.

? Organic Horsetail, Biotin, Silica, and Multivitamins
People with vitamin deficiencies don’t always know it. In this case, taking a multivitamin everyday will help to stop hair loss. Organic horsetail is an herb that makes hair grow fast. This really seems to work, but it isn’t recommended for long term use. Biotin naturally occurs in hair and is found in most multivitamins. If you have low levels of biotin in your hair then boosting those levels will make hair healthier and shinier. Silica is a trace mineral that nourishes the hair.

? DHT Inhibitors
There are pills you can buy over the counter that block DHT. DHT is a hormone that chokes the hair follicle and causes it to die. Guys have a bigger DHT problem then women.

? Estrogen Products
Some leave in hair products contains estrogen. Rubbing the estrogen hair products on your scalp and leaving it overnight will help to grow some hair back. Plant estrogen taken in pill form is not as effective.

See also  Herbs for Hair Loss?

? Cayenne Pepper and Olive Oil
Cayenne pepper is a stimulant that gets circulation moving in the scalp. A tablespoon of olive oil and a couple of pinches of cayenne pepper should be mixed together and rubbed on the scalp. Put a plastic hair net over the scalp and hair and leave it on overnight. Wash your hair in the morning. The olive oil will reduce any heat the cayenne pepper will throw off.

? Human Growth Hormone
Human Growth Hormone is said to help grow new hair. It can be bought at health food stores or injected by your doctor.

? Apple Cider Vinegar
This is another leave in treatment that is good for the hair and scalp. Be aware that after one use your hair might turn red.

? Rogaine
Rogaine for both men and women is still around. This scalp treatment makes hair fall out when you first start using it. It appears to make hair look thicker then actually producing any new hair. If you do grow hair with Rogaine and you stop using it your hair will start falling out again.

? Thickening Hair Products
Products such as gels, hair spray, shampoo, and conditioner with thickening agents make hair twice as full in appearance. They improve the look of the hair you have.

? Hair Implants
This is by far the best way to grow new hair in bald areas. A doctor will take hair follicles from your head and transfer them to fill in hairless spots.

? Electronic Stimulation
There is a hand held device that can be rubbed over the scalp to electronically stimulate hair to grow. I don’t recommend this. People with pace makers or other problems might find use of this product fatal.

See also  What Causes Thinning Hair?