Carpet Dyeing – a Money Saving Alternative

If your carpets are stained and spotted, but in otherwise good condition, you may want to consider carpet dyeing as a money saving alternative to purchasing new carpet. While there are carpet dyeing kits available that you can purchase and apply yourself, it is not often recommended. Why? Because carpet dyeing is not an easy job! Carpet dyeing requires chemical mixing, precise application, and so on. If you are thinking of taking on the task of carpet dyeing yourself, you may want to reconsider.

What type of carpet do you have in your home? Is it nylon, polyester, wool, polypropylene or acrylic? If you can’t answer that simple question, then you are certainly not up for the job of carpet dyeing yourself. This is because certain carpet materials cannot be dyed. Thus, you will put forth a lot of effort in a job that cannot be completed. However, if you hire a professional carpet dyeing service, they can analyze your carpet type and make a suggestion for the best type of dye, and which color of dye will work best for your carpet. Hiring a professional carpet dyeing service may cost a little more than a carpet dyeing kit, but it will save you money (and a lot of work) in the long run.

By hiring a professional carpet dyeing service, you can rest assured that your old, stained carpets will be evenly dyed with one consistent color shade. Many times, when homeowners attempt carpet dyeing on their own, they select the wrong color, get an inconsistent color shading on the carpets, or even use so much carpet dye that it soaks the carpet and leaves dye on socks, clothing, area rugs, and anything else that it comes in contact with. (This is especially significant for homeowners with children and/or pets)

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Additionally, if you attempt carpet dyeing on your own, and don’t get baseboards and molding properly prepped before the carpet dye application, you will be left with one BIG mess. You may have dye splattered on surfaces that will be very difficult, or even impossible, to repair. If this happens, you will have to incur additional cost to repair the damaged surfaces.

The bottom line is….Carpet dyeing WILL save you money, but it’s not worth the effort to do it yourself. Save this job for the professionals and you’ll be much happier with the end result. When carpet dyeing is done correctly, it will appear as if you have purchased brand new carpets, but will have spent a fraction of the cost.

To find a carpet dyeing service in your hometown, visit one of these websites for more information and a price quote. Service Magic and Home Blue are two carpet dyeing services that have professional reputations, and offer high quality results

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Charlotte Interior Improvement Examiner – Jenny Wagner