Help a Baby with Constipation: Soothe Crankiness, Calm Baby, and Relieve Constipation

Due to the continued development of a baby’s small body, but mainly due to dietary and formula complications, a baby can sometimes experience constipation. This is quite normal unless the constipation lasts longer than three days, at which point, the baby’s doctor should be contacted. Only a doctor can tell you if the constipation is serious or due to a more serious condition.

During constipation, a baby may feel some bloating or pain, due to the clogged bowels. These uncomfortable feelings can also cause a baby to cry or be more cranky or fussy than normal. A constipated baby can also experience gas.

Breastfed babies rarely experience constipation, unless they have started solid food. Formula-fed babies experience constipation more often than breast-fed babies. For a breast-fed baby, a normal bowel movement schedule is from 8 times per day (newborn to a few weeks old), to 4 times per day (4 weeks and older), to even 1 time per day (over 8 weeks old). Different babies will have different patterns. In a formula-fed infant, stools or bowel movements should be happening from several times per day to only once per week. For babies eating solid food, the bowel movement schedule will vary depending on the food eaten, as well as the individual baby. If a baby has not had a bowel movement, or BM, in 7 days, it is time to contact the doctor.

Signs Baby Might Be Constipated
– unusual crankiness that is not relieved by burping, feeding, or changing
– pressure in the abdomen or pushing in the abdomen by the baby
– no BM for several hours or longer
– won’t take breast milk or formula bottle at normal feeding time
– cries are sharp-sounding (a sign of pain)
– baby cannot get comfortable
– baby is flailing legs about
– screaming with a frustrated facial expression and/or reddening in the face
– baby may stop fussing for a moment if sides of abdomen are lightly massaged
– baby passes small, hard, pellet-like poops

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Relieving The Constipation
There are several methods of relieving the constipation. However, in babies, any form of ingesting medicines and laxatives should be done as a last resort and only under the supervision or instructions of a doctor. There are a few marketed products for relieving constipation in babies, however many physicians guard against them.

Here are two methods that I have found very effective.

Method One:
For this method, baby will be lying down. First, lie baby on his or her back in your lap. Be sure baby’s head and bottom are secure. Now, gently raise baby’s legs up by the feet with knees slightly bent to the sides, as you would do for a diaper change. Gently push the legs by the feet towards the abdomen while gently massaging the sides of the abdomen with your free hand. Do this for about 5 minutes, or until the baby has a bowel movement, whichever occurs first. If this does not work, try again every few minutes until baby has either had a bowel movement or is no longer cranky. If it does not work after 3 attempts, do not irritate baby by trying this method any further. Instead, focus on soothing and calming baby. Then, try another method. For me, this method only took one try each time. This was used with more than one child.

Method Two:
For this method, baby will be sitting up in the parent’s lap. First, lean the baby forward, still in the sitting position, being sure to support the head. Then, lean baby back to the seated position. Continue this slowly until baby is comfortable, has had a bowel movement, or about five times. If baby is still not comfortable, wait a few moments, then try again. Only try this a couple times. You don’t want to upset baby any further or get baby dizzy from the back and forth motion. For me, this one only took one try each time. This method was used with more than one child.

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Relieving The Crankiness: Soothing and Calming Baby
Many times the crankiness will be relieved as soon as the constipation is relieved. However, in some babies, the constipation may not be relieved right away, so you’ll need to figure out how to soothe them as best you can until that happens.

The two methods above can do that, but here are ten more soothing methods. Most of these won’t take away the constipation, however they will help calm baby down.

Method One: Stroller Motion
Putting baby in a stroller that lies back is a great soothing method. Lie the stroller in the position that will allow for baby’s head and back to be slightly raised. This is usually the second position on a reclining stroller. Next, strap baby in properly and roll the stroller back and forth (forward and backward). Oftentimes baby will fall asleep during this method, which is fine, if it keeps baby calm.

Method Two: Baby Swing
Placing baby in a baby swing, following the safety regulations of the product, can also help to soothe a fussy baby.

Method Three: Tummy Rock
Place the baby on your lap, lying on the tummy. Gently rock your knees back and forth, being sure baby and baby’s head are secure.

Method Four: Rocking Chair
Many babies love being on their parent’s lap in a rocking chair. The soothing motion can quiet a fussy baby or put them to sleep.

Method Five: Walk N’ Wiggle
In this method, you’ll hug baby to your chest. Baby should be facing you with his or her head above your shoulders. Secure baby’s headand body. Gently wiggle baby up and down while walking around.

Method Six: Cradle Rock
This is the classic rocking method used with babies. Cradle baby in your arms and rock him or her back and forth gently. You can sit, stand, or walk while doing this.

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Method Seven: Pacifier
This may be an obvious soother, but pacifiers really work wonders to soothe a baby.

Method Eight: Car Ride
The gentle vibrations as well as the sounds of the car in motion work together to soothe a baby.

Method Nine: Washer Ride
Secure baby safely in a carrier or carseat. Place the carrier or carseat atop a washing machine on spin cycle. Hold the carrier or carseat during this motion and do not leave baby unattended or let go of the carrier. An alternative is for the parent or caregiver to sit atop the spinning washer and hold the baby.

Method Ten: Vibrations
Vibrating swings or bouncer seats can also be very soothing to a cranky baby, as well as ease the discomfort of gas, bloating, or constipation.

Method Eleven: Back Rub, Massage, Or Pat
Lie baby in your lap and gently rub, massage, or pat the baby’s back.

Method twelve: Tummy Rub, Massage, Or Pat
As with the above method, lie baby in your lap. This time you will be gently rubbing, massaging or patting the baby’s tummy.

Please note that the author is not a licensed medical professional. Anytime baby’s health is concerned, the baby’s physician should be contacted. This is not meant to replace the advice and care of a licensed medical professional, but simply to inform the reader of actions that have personally helped the author in situations such as this.

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