Health Benefits of Oprah’s Favorite Slimming Tea: All Natural Vintage Oolong Tea

Ever since Oprah and Rachael Ray endorsed All Natural Vintage Oolong Tea as a safe and natural way to lose weight, sales have skyrocketed through the roof. Does this tea live up to the hype? Here is a sampling of some scientifically proven health benefits of drinking Oolong tea.

It is a powerful Fat Burner
A research study conducted in Japan discovered that Oolong tea burns 157% more body fat than green tea. It is especially effective for people who drink two cups a day. This fat-burning ability is linked to an active compound found in Oolong tea called polymerized polyphenols, believed to increase the body’s metabolism of fats.
In fact, Oolong not only burns up body fat, it converts the fat to energy, giving you a healthier boost than any energy pill or energy drink ever could.

It Revs up the Metabolism of Calories
Studies show that regularly drinking Oolong tea naturally speeds up the body’s metabolism by 10%, helping the body burn calories at a faster rate. In fact, it can burn up to 2.5 times more calories than green tea.

It Inhibits the Body’s Absorption of Fats
A 2006 study by Japanese researchers found that oolong tea was able to reduce the body’s absorption of fats, and thus avert those unwanted calories. This also helps reduce cholesterol.

It neutralizes the Effects of Carbohydrates
Consuming too many carbohydrates really packs on the pounds by triggering the release of an increased level of insulin, which is your body’s “fat-storing” hormone. Drinking Oolong tea helps lower the amount of insulin triggered by the carbohydrates.

See also  Oolong Tea for Weight Loss? Studies Show it May Help

It is a Powerful Anti-oxidant
An active ingredient in Oolong tea, polyphenol catechins, is a proven anti-oxidant that which helps protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals. It drastically reduces the number of free radicals in the body up to 50% within 5 days. Oolong tea also bolsters the immune system, helping prevent infections. Furthermore, it has anti-Carcinogenic qualities that help reduce the risk of cancer.

It Promotes Oral Health
Oolong tea has been found to be effective in preventing tooth decay and strengthening teeth. It helps prevent plaque deposit and build-up on teeth, resulting in stronger, healthier teeth.

It Promotes Beauty from the Inside Out
Oolong not only promotes health but beauty too. It helps clear up acne, and clarify facial skin tone and texture. It even clears up eczema — in just one month!

