Headache and Pain Relief: Tylenol Vs. Advil

Ouch! Your back sure is feeling the pain from all that work you did in the yard over the weekend. Crash! Little Tommy just took a fall on his new bike. Groan! Dad is feeling under the weather and has a fever. As you turn to your medicine chest, what product is best at relieving the pain and discomfort of overdoing it in the yard? What non-prescription medication is safe to use for your little ones bumps and bruises? Tylenol and Advil are both pain relievers. Which pill will bring the best relief? For Dad’s fever, you know that Advil and Tylenol are fever-reducing medications, but which one will be alright to use with his other medications?

My family of six always has a supply of both Tylenol and Advil on hand. For my family, each medication has its own uses. This can even vary from person to person in my home. At times, we have used trial and error, but I will share with you what I have learned over the years.

Tylenol has been recommended to me because it has less chance of reaction with medications. Tylenol is fine for me to use even though I am a patient with asthma. The product is typically milder on the stomach than Advil. The pediatrician has told us to use this product to ward off pain from immunizations. My son recently received his kindergarten immunizations and Tylenol was perfect for easing the ache from that tetanus shot.

Advil is what I use for headaches. I get migraines. When I feel a migraine coming on, I immediately reach for the Advil. I have tried Tylenol for my severe headaches and it just won’t cut it. Tylenol may help some with my ferocious discomfort, but the pain never seems to go completely away. With four kids in the house, this mom wants to get rid of the pain. Advil not only dulls the pain, but knocks it out when taken at the first sign of a migraine.

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Neither Tylenol or Advil completely shuts down the pain with the first dose of only one pill if my migraine is in full force. It typically takes two Advil to do the job. It is always wise to take the medication early to combat the pain instead of holding off until the migraine is unbearable.

When a fever makes you, or a loved one, uncomfortable, Tylenol and Advil will help to reduce the fever to a lower temperature. Tylenol is the only fever-reducing medication my husband will use. The Tylenol works better for him than the Advil does. For the other five members of my family, Advil is much more effective. At reducing the fever for several hours than Tylenol seems to be. The temperature comes down with the Tylenol, but in a couple of hours, it is time to take another dose. The Advil lasts up to six hours. Especially for kids who aren’t fond of medicine, a longer period of time between doses is very valuable. This is particularly the case at night. Advil beats the Tylenol for overnight relief. When you don’t feel well, a good night’s sleep can make all of the difference.

Both medications are available in a generic form. Acetaminophen is Tylenol. Ibuprofen is Advil. Purchasing a generic form of these medications can save you a great deal of money while allowing you the safety and effectiveness you have come to expect from the name brands.

As with any medication, always consult your doctor or pharmacist for information before using. The next time you or your child has a minor discomfort, reach for the Tylenol, but if a high fever or migraine comes your way, then Advil will probably do the trick. As seen in my family, individual results will vary. Both Tylenol and Advil have their place in my medicine chest.