Haunted Spots Located in Missouri

Since I’m from Missouri I decided to put a list of ‘haunted’ spots throughout the Show Me State. I had basic knowledge on some of these from hearing and reading stories, just had to look up details. If you ever go or have went to any drop a comment..

Adrian-Young’s Mansion. Young’s Mansion is thought as one of the most haunted mansions. There is old slave tunnels under the house that lead to the bar. There are still chains on the walls. Many people claim to hear a mans voice saying “Leave” and most usually leave. There are reports of footsteps heard going up stairs and in hallways, slamming doors, and even rocking chairs. Some even say they have heard high pitched screams throughout the property. This place is now being torn down so children will not be hurt from entering the house.

Albany/New Hampton-The Cross. An old, one room small cabin which is at the bottom of a large hill. This cabin has been secured with an old fashioned cot, wooden table, and chair. This table has a large bible on it. On top of the hill there is a very old 15-12 foot cross. There are reports that if you look into the cabin, the bible will be closed. But if you go to the top of the hill, touch the large cross, go back and look again, the bible will be open. What is odd about this is the bible is very secure. Makes me wonder where in the bible is this opened to, which verses? This location is said to very difficult to locate, you must go through a maze of gravel and dirt roads. Supposedly this area is thought to have been a cemetery at one time. Also is thought be owned by a cult in the 1960’s and ’70s where many animals were found sacrificed. This sounds like a very ‘spooky’ area that will put chills up your spine.

Alton-Sugar Shack Road. Close to 100 years ago there was women who lived here by herself and was accused of witchcraft, along with two others. So they were hung with chains. It is said that every Halloween around midnight you can drive down this road and hear chains being dragged on the top of your car when you drive under the tree.

Auxvasse-9 Mile Bridge. This is a very neat story and area. There is a lot of things that are believed to happen in this one area. A long time ago it is said black women were hung there and slave children were drown in the creek. So if you shut your car off either on the bridge or near the church, then go to start it up again, it will make funny noises. Now, as of 2008, it is said that if you turn your car off on the bridge that it will not start up again, you must push your car off the bridge and start it. If you sit on the ledge of the bridge, take off your shoes, then dangle your feet above the creek, you will feel a weird tickling feeling on your feet. The myth is that the slave children that were drown there are tickling your feet. You can also see very peculiar lights like sets of eyes that are blinking, down under the bridge, in the tress along the creek, and in the cemetery up on the hill near the creek. If you go down there on a dark night, roll your windows down, you will hear what sounds like running water in the creek, which is odd because there has not been water running there in a long time, and you can hear what sounds like foot steps in the weeds and leaves. If you decide to hang out for about an hour or so, when you return to your car there are what looks like hand and foot prints on your hood and windshield.
Belleview-Belleview School. During the 1980’s there was a young child who was in kindergarten that fell from the swing set and was killed. As it is said if you go there on a day when the wind is calm, the swing will go by itself. And the child runs the halls, you can hear him during night.

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Berger-Mac’s Cafe. This is a very very horror movie style story. There was a step father who was kicked out of his home for being abusive. They all lived in 1 of 2 apartments above the bar/restaurant. This man returned one night with a shotty and shot out the apartment window thought the security door that lead to the apartments. When he entered his step son was waiting with his own gun, fired at point blank range, shotting him in the neck and nearly decapitation the man. It is said that this man comes back to visit his old bedroom and just roams around the building late at night watching people. There was a incident of a 3 year old who begged his mother to tell “That man” to stop bothering him during the night. There are reports of weird sounds from upstairs, and odd occurrences downstairs. Now this is odd; Weeks after this incident, there was a pencil drawn pentagram with the sons mothers face drawn on the back of the step sons bedroom door. The mother was not harmed at all. People say the man appears in full and is even thought to be a real live person wearing hiking boots, jeans, and a flannel shirt. Live snakes also appeared in the apartment. This shooting happened in 1986 or ’87. I’m not sure if the bar is open right now or not, but it is a large white building on the corner near the end of time on the right. The old bank is on the left.

Christian-Clever. Break Neck Hill, This is a steep, dirt road near the Christian County/Stone County Line. There are reports of a headless horseman that can been seen riding a specter horse and sometimes the sound of a horse’s hooves can be heard. There has been more than one rider killed on that hill over the years.
Columbia-St. Stephens College-Searcy Hall. A student gave birth and left her child in a locker to die. Students have heard what seems like a baby crying at night.
Desoto-Vineland Elementary. It is said that at night a ghost roams the halls. The school staff has seen weird things happen at night. A Grandmother tells a story of when she was a younger girl, she snuck out to see her boyfriend in the middle of the night and while walking past the school she says she saw a ghostly arm coming out of one of the windows.

Dexter-There is a witch’s house in the woods where it is believed that she threw her husband off of the balcony and he now roams the woods searching for revenge.
Elsberry-Elsberry High school. There has been reports of sightings around the school that include; a little girl who was believed to be locked in back in ’72, tv’s go on and off by themselves, and people start bleeding for no apparent reason. Also people say they have seen a bloody man in the basement of the school.
Excelsior Springs-Wolf Hollow. This is an old abandoned house on an old road where the KKK used to hang African Americans that they tortured. People say they get chills when they go near this house and that they hear sounds that sound like clothes on a line hanging there.

Florence-Haunted Insane Asylum. This is located on McLaran road which is just off of Jenning’s station road. If you keep your eye on the left while driving you will know what house it is, witness report hearing music and seeing orbs everywhere.
Fulton-Community Hospital. The girls from the lab say that there is a ghost that walks in the hall by surgery.
Garber (Ghost Town)-Old Post Office. There are many abandoned houses and buildings. The Post Office is just near the railroad tracks and is the haunted part. The Post Office was trashed just after its close. as you walk through it there are cold spots and strong winds, even on calm days. You walk outside and can hear a hammering sound that comes from the woods. The town of Garber is located right by Legestone Country Club and the Stonebridge neighborhood. Stonebridge is located outside of Branson West, MO down Shepard of the Hills Expressway.

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Garden City-old railroad tracks. Some years back a train crashed, killing many of the people on it. You can hear sounds of a its whistle in the air and people screaming.
Hawk Point-Satan’s Tunnel. I have heard a lot of this area and its very neat to look into. There are very many stories about this haunted tunnel called ‘Satan’s Tunnel.’ Directions on how to get there are as follows; from Warrenton take hwy 47 to the four way crossing, go left, take this curvy road until theres a huge cornfield and sign on the left saying ‘Tunnel Road.’ Then follow this road to the end. It is said this land was owned by devil worshipers and a very long time ago above the tunnel at the end of this road there used to be a railroad track and a man crossing the tracks got hit and was thrown to the bottom of this tunnel and was killed. This man’s ghost is said to still haunt this tunnel. In the ’70s some kids were checking out the tunnel and found a bum inside the tunnel and began to talk to him. He told the story of the ghostly man in the tunnel and if you walk through the tunnel very quiet you can hear the whistle of the train that hit him. The next day police found the bum dead inside the tunnel, fact frozen with fear, and his cause of death unknown! The caution tape put up by the police is still there, never took down. As the story goes there is a witches house and a graveyard in the woods. Very interesting.
Hornersville-The Old Hornersville Cemetery. There are reports of three human ghosts and one dog just walking in the cemetery.

Jackson-Jackson Senior High School. The rumor goes that a long time ago a janitor died in the girls bathroom on the 2nd floor of the Language/History building, C Building. If you are alone in the bathroom the old mans ghost flushes the toilet just to scare you.
Jericho Springs-The Jericho Cemetery. There are reports of strange glowing lights.
Kansas City-The Boat. On a back rod in Kansas City there is a huge boat hidden in the woods and you can hear people crying during night.
Kansas City-Sauer Castle. A young boy haunts this National Landmark.
Lamar-Bluff Cemetery. 9 miles out of town is Bluff Cemetery and is known to have many ghosts haunting it.

Lebanon-Lonesome Hill Graveyard. Blue mists come out of the woods and follow you. Visiting this area after dark is prohibited.

Malden. An unknown persons tombstone mysteriously glows during night for no apparent reason. Some people have claimed it is a long lost soldiers tombstone.
Montgomery-Minneola Rock. A rock on I-70 was were the slaves were traded and it is believed that the rock is haunted by their ghosts.

New Haven-Boondocker Inn. Objects levitate, lights flicker, and strange noises, eerie feelings, and cold sports reported.

New Madrid-The Hunter Dawson Home. Several strange stories of hauntings going on at this home by people who are on staff there and residents living around the house.
Ozark-Green Bridge on Green Bridge Road. You can see a man walking under the bridge and on top of it, you can hear voices all around like whispers, you can hear doors slamming,and footsteps walking in the water.
Ozark-River Side Inn. This restaurant was built in the early 1900’s by an old man named Howard. He appears late at night in dark rooms and has a green glow while smoking a cigar. There has been times that glasses were thrown at the wall, but nobody was near.
Palmer-Palmer. This is an old civil war town that is haunted by the Palmer ghost. She died in the 1850’s, and if you say her name 3 times she will appear and terrorize you!
Patterson-Old Fort Benton/Old Patterson School. You will get really weird feelings in this area. This was used by the Confederates back in the war.
Raytown-The Insane Asylum. Old burnt down building that has recently been torn down. Claims say you can hear footsteps and moaning in the building. Blood has even been seen on the floor! It is said that an elderly man haunts the place. After been torn down it is dangerous and there is No Trespassing!

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Rich Hill-Ryder Cemetery. There are reports of yelling and no one is around.
St. Louis-Christopher Rd. There are reports of seeing the ghost of Christopher covered in blood and screaming and shouting.

Sullivan-Gates Of Hell. A long time back a man owned this property and used it to hang people out in his field. The tale goes that if you park down by the gate, turn off your car, you can see people walking out in the field. A little boy lurks around near the gate, there are odd noises, and it is known for your car not to start back up. People do own the property today and have horses, but if you go there on a full moon you can not see the horses anywhere around! Very spooky!

Troy-Kemper Marsh Funeral Home. Claims to many things like doors opening and closing with no reason, things being moved, and voices have even been heard.
Truxton-Haunted House. This is an abandoned and haunted house that is off of hwy 70. If you take the Truxton exit, get off at the service road, follow the service road, and watch on the right. You’ll know when you’ve found this round. People say you can hear a chilling womens scream echoing, footsteps on the steps, and banging in the basement. A dark shadow figure has even been seen in the top left window. There is a very powering sense that someone is watching you from that top left window and people say the feeling is horrible. There is No Trespassing and this home is Private! The owners live just down the road and do not like any visitors! There used to be a family that lived in this haunted home. The husband died in 1940 and in 1963 the women killed herself by slitting her wrists. A man went to this home in 1975 because he was thinking of buying the property. This home looked empty and abandoned and was vacant for years. He thought nobody lived there or was in there at all. So he went to the back porch, looked in the side, and there was a women sitting there in a rocking chair rocking back and forth. This was the women who owned this home and killed herself, still there 12 years later! This home is now said to be in unsafe and dangerous conditions.

Union-The Union Covered Bridge. In the mid 1800’s it is said that a little boy fell and drowned in the River. During night you can see the boy and he will try to touch anyone who tries to walk across the bridge in dark. Directions; get on hwy 15, follow Paris until the brown sign says ‘Union Covered Bridge’ then just follow the signs.
Verona-Lees Cemetery. A ‘ghost truck’ has been seen chasing people from the graveyard. This ‘ghost truck’ speeds at cars, getting on their bumper, then is goes away like it was never there! Odd sounds have been heard from this cemetery and fog that is there and then just disappears.

Villa Ridge-Old Hwy 100. When you are driving along old hwy 100, headed towards Villa Ridge, from Washington, MO. There is said to be a mysterious hitchhiker that is wearing a hiking pack. And if you decide to pick this hitchhiker up, he will talk to you and ask to be taken to the truck stop about 5 miles ahead. Before you get to the truck stop, he will simply vanish! The rumor goes that he was killed by a driver that picked him up and he wants to just make it to the truck stop, but he can’t! Very odd and spooky story.

Warrensburg-University of Central Missouri-Hawkins Hall. A residence hall where a student hung himself.

Waynesville-Hunter’s Point. Screams and an apparition of a hanging man was witnessed.
