Harry Potter’s Professor Trelawney: Little Known Facts About Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson is an amazing British actress who has been cast in several wonderful parts. But, to Harry Potter fans, she is best known as Professor Trelawney. If you’ve seen Emma Thompson in some of classic films, such as Sense and Sensibility, you may not recognize her when she appears in movies such as Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or Nanny McPhee. Emma Thompson does an amazing job shifting into different roles. While she may be one of the best actresses from Britain, there are some little known facts about this actress.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #1: Shares Her Birthday Day with Emma Watson

Emma Thompson costarred with Emma Watson in the Harry Potter series. But, these actresses share more than just a spotlight. In fact, they also share their birthday. Both actresses were born on April 15th.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #2: Has a Degree in English

Along with Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson has a degree in English. She obtained her degree from Newnham College of Cambridge University. Another fact is that Newnham College is an all-girl’s college. Before attending college, Emma Thompson attended the Camden School for Girls.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #3: Has Played Hugh Grant’s Love Interest and Sister

In Sense and Sensibility, Hugh Grant plays the part of Edward Ferrars who happens to be the love interest of Elinor Dashwood who was played by Emma Thompson. But, Hugh Grant would later appear as her brother in the movie Love Actually.

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Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #4: Chosen as the 5th Greatest British Actress

In 2001 the Orange Film Survey revealed that Emma Thompson was the fifth greatest British actress. Another fact is that Julie Walters was chosen as the best actress from Britain. Harry Potter fans known Julie Walters best for her role as Mrs. Weasley.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #5: Is Fluent in Spanish and French

People from the UK spend more time learning other languages. Emma Thompson happens to be fluent in French and Spanish. This is yet another thing she has in common with her British costar Hugh Grant who also speaks French fluently.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #6: Was Originally Cast for the Movie Dogma

A really fun fact for people who were a fan of the movie Dogma, is that Emma Thompson was originally cast to play the part of God. Unfortunately her pregnancy prevented her from playing the part. The part eventually went to Alanis Morissette.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #7: Has a Special and Original Place for Her Oscars

Emma Thompson is an Oscar winning actress who just happens to keep her Oscars out of view from visitors. In fact, her Oscars are kept in her bathroom.

Little Known Facts about Emma Thompson #8: Married to the Actor Who Played Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility

While Hugh Grant may have been her love interest in Sense and Sensibility, Emma Thompson actually married another character from the film. Emma Thompson is married to Greg Wise who played the part of Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility.

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