Harry Potter’s Lucius Malfoy: Little Known Facts About Jason Isaacs

Harry Potter fans across the globe know Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. Many women simply adore the way he looks in the Harry Potter series. Even Jason Isaacs has admitted that he loves wearing the wig when he plays Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies. But, there is more to Jason Isaacs than just playing the role of Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. In fact, there is more to Jason Isaacs than just acting. Here are just a few of the little known facts about this Harry Potter actor.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #1: Has a Degree in Law

While Jason Isaacs may be a fabulous actor, he actually went to school to become a lawyer. In 1985, Jason Isaacs graduated from Bristol University with a degree in law. Luckily, he decided that this was not the career path for him and later decided to pursue acting as his career choice.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #2: Met His Wife in Acting School

While studying acting, Jason Isaacs met his wife Emma Hewitt. They both attended the Central School of Speech and Drama and graduated in 1989. They were married in 1988.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #3: Has a Daughter Named Lily

It almost seems humorous after his role in the Harry Potter series, but the fact is, Jason Isaacs has a daughter named Lily. Whether or not this is pure coincidence and he merely liked the name is uncertain, but his daughter was born in 2002, after Jason Isaacs had already appeared in the Harry Potter series.

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Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #4: Is Left Handed

Another fun fact about Jason Isaacs is that he is left handed. Another interesting fact is that he only writes with his left hand, everything else he does with his right hand.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #5: Fears Horses and Spiders

While it’s perfectly understandable that he has a fear of spiders, one has to wonder how his fear of horses affected his role in The Patriot.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #6: Insisted on a Different Look for Lucius Malfoy

While playing Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, Jason Isaacs insisted on a certain type of costume. In fact, he insisted that Lucius Malfoy have an aristocratic look, rather than wear the suits that were traditional with the Harry Potter series.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #7: One of America’s Best British Imports

Along with Alan Rickman, Jason Isaacs is considered one of America’s best British imports. Many of his roles have been in American films. But, he is probably best known for his role in The Patriot.

Little Known Facts about James Isaacs #8: Best Known for His Villainous Roles

The fact is Jason Isaacs does a great job at playing the role of a villain. He makes the perfect Lucius Malfoy and was also wonderful in The Patriot. He was simply the perfect equal to Mel Gibson and was able to pull off the villainous role quite well.
