Hairstyles: Long Hair on Women; Most Men Really Do Love it

After talking to thousands of men over the past half-century I have come to the conclusion than most men really do lover long hair on women. Matter of fact I have NEVER met one that said he preferred short hair on a woman. Let’s face it; we all can’t be Audrey Hepburn. That woman could wear her hair short, long or in-between and still be one of the most beautiful, classy women that ever lived. Remember her hair in Sabrina? Anyway, here is some little truths I found to be self evident regarding long hair and men.

I have had long hair all my life and will die with it. This has nothing to do with how men feel about it though, I just love it. Every man I have ever dated, been engaged to, or married loved my long hair. Not one of them could keep their hands off it. I was told by every one of them they loved it, and hoped I would never cut it. When I asked, how they would feel if I did cut it short, well did you ever see a grown man beg? Seriously, men just love long hair on women.

I as well as many of my longhaired female friends over the years have had the same experiences. The consensus is that men believe it is a sign of femininity, and as well, very sexy. This is what I have been told as well as my friends. Almost all the long haired women I talked to had stories of their men touching, caressing, and twirling their hair till their scalps were raw. This happened to me many times.

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Another commonality I found among my long hair friends was that their men were sexually aroused by their hair. No Kidding! During foreplay and making love, most of the men liked the hair draped over them, and caressing their bodies.

Another strange thing that seems to be common among men with longhaired women is they like to brush it. It’s almost like the pleasure someone gets out of brushing their dog, because we know they like it so much. I actually found it to be quite nurturing, and affectionate. Maybe some of you men out there can clue me in on this one. Why do you like to brush your woman’s long, flowing locks? Whatever the reason it works for me.

There you have it just a fun look at why most men love long hair on women. Short haired gals, don’t be mad at me, this is not my opinion it’s theirs. Besides, I said most men. I’m sure there are some men that feel just as wonderful about short hair, as their compadres feel about long hair!

*Check out my articles on *Why Older Women SHOULD Date Younger Men and *Why Older Women SHOULDN’T Date Younger Men!