Hair Spiking Wax and Spiking Glue

Spiked hairstyles require the use of spiking glue or spiking wax, and finding the right hair wax or glue is the key to having perfectly spiked and styled hair. There are literally dozens of types of hair spiking products to choose from, and spiking wax and spiking glue is available in many different strengths. Some spiking products work and others don’t do what they claim. Sometimes it takes buying several brands of hair spiking wax, hair spiking glue, and several different types before finding the hair spiking glue or hair spiking wax that works best for your particular spiked hairstyle.

The following information will provide facts regarding two different types of hair spiking glue and hair spiking wax made to achieve spiked hairstyles. These products have been tested by people who rely on spiking glue and spiking wax in order to attain the spiked hairstyles they desire. Some of these hairstyles require spiking wax for piecing and chunking hair, and other spiked hairstyles require spiking glue for long-lasting spiked hair styles. Try the following hair spiking wax and hair spiking glue, and you’ll be very happy with the results.

Göt 2b. Glued – Styling Spiking Glue

Göt 2b Glued is one of the strongest hair spiking products you can buy. Made in the USA by Schwarzkopf and Henkel, Göt 2b Glued looks suspiciously like white glue, but this hair spiking glue definitely contains more than the white glue you used in elementary school. Göt 2b Glued smells like it contains actual glue, but it’s formulated especially for hair. Göt 2b glued is water-resistant, and this spiking glue is considered the ultimate hair product for spiked hairstyles. Göt 2b Glued is actually wind-tunnel tested, and hair that has been spiked with Göt 2b Glued provides spikes that last until the next hair wash.

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Göt 2b Glued is so strong that some people have trouble getting this hair spiking glue out of their hair, but don’t let this stop you from buying this fantastic hair glue. Göt 2b Unglued shampoo deep cleans and removes styling build-up and styling glue from spiked hair. This shampoo is well worth the price since it works exceptionally well.

Göt 2b Glued spiking glue should be used on damp hair. Simply place a small amount in the palm of one hand, rub your hands together, and run it evenly through your hair. Style your hair the way you want, and this spiking glue will definitely hold your spiked hair in place.

To create spikes like you’ve never had before, simply create spikes by twisting sections of hair, and after the spikes are firm, make the tips slightly damp, and apply extra spiking glue to the ends. Your hair will become a lethal weapon with the spikes created using Göt 2b Glued spiking glue.

My sixteen-year-old son bought Göt 2b Glued spiking glue, and he says it definitely does what he wants. He often wears his hair totally spiked, and his hair is about 2 ½ inches long on top. After wearing his hair spiked for several hours, it looks just as good as when he first created the spikes with Göt 2b Glued spiking glue.

You can buy Göt 2b Glued spiking glue at the Göt 2b Glued website. This spiking glue is reasonably priced, and it does a fantastic job of creating unbelievably strong spikes.

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Physique Precision Wax

Physique Precision Wax does a great job of keeping your hair exactly where you want it. This fantastic hair wax is specially formulated for piecing and chunking hair to create unique hairstyles. When using Precision Wax by Physique, you can expect your hair to look good hours after you first apply this amazing hair wax.

Physique Precision Wax has a pleasant scent, and it is somewhat expensive considering the small container, but this hair wax is well worth the price. My son has bought this hair wax on more than one occasion, and it does a good job of keeping his spikes totally spiked and firmly in place.

If you have any questions regarding Physique Precision Wax, call 1-800-214-8960 for additional information. Most stores that sell a wide variety of quality hair spiking products sell Physique Precision Wax. Give this hair wax a try if you’re looking for a product that truly does what it claims. When piecing and chunking your hair, you’ll be satisfied with the results of this hair spiking wax.