Growing Bok Choy in Your Garden

Growing bok choy in your garden is very easy and rewarding. Bok choy is also called Chinese cabbage and is used in many Asian recipes such as seafood, beef, chicken and pork stir fries. It is also used in many soups and stews. Bok choy is a cool weather crop that does best in early spring and fall.

Bok choy can be started as seed in an area of the garden that is partially shaded for part of the day since the plants tend to go to seed in hot weather.

The bok choy plant forms a stalk with loose dark green leaves. The leaves have a white mid-rib that accounts for the crunch you get when you bite into it. Bok choy has a light, sweet flavor and a crisp texture.

Bok choy seeds are available from your local gardening store or you can order them online.You can grow bok choy in rows 18″ wide and 24″ inches apart. You can also grow them in a bed four feet wide. Start by preparing your plot for planting. Add a two inch layer of compost or dried manure and till the soil to a depth of about twelve inches.

Bok choy can be started as seeds in early spring. Plant seeds inside in pots about 4-6 weeks before the last killing frost of spring. Transplant seedlings outdoors when the soil reaches a temperature of about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant seeds outdoors when the outside temperature is in the seventies. Plant seedlings and seeds early enough to avoid the hotter days of summer. Bok choy can again be planted in the late summer for a fall crop.

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Plant seeds 1/2″ deep and three inches apart. Cover seeds with a thin layer of soil and water lightly. When seedlings are three inches tall, thin to allow 12″-15″ between plants. Place transplants in the soil 12″ apart. Bok choy needs regular watering to avoid wilting. Water deeply so plants can develop a deep, prolific network of roots. Add a mulch layer of straw around plants to preserve moisture and deter weeds.

Bok choy is ready to harvest in about two months. Harvest bok choy in the morning before the sun gets high in the sky. Small young baby bok choy plants can be harvested whole. Remove the outer leaves of larger plants with scissors or use a knife to cut off the whole stalk.

Bok choy is high in dietary fiber and low in calories. It contains Vitamins A, B6, D, K, and C. It is also high in calcium and potassium. Calcium is important in the growth of bones and teeth. Potassium is important in regulating the circulatory system. When consumed regularly, bok choy is has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve heart function.

Bok choy is a relatively easy gardening crop to grow. This food crop is high in vitamins and minerals and adds a crisp crunch to many recipes. With a little care, you can have a plentiful crop and a great experience growing bok choy.