Green Valley Bags, Cloth Shopping Bag: Review

There is a global movement for civilization to become “greener”. The world is concerned with pollution and resource consumption, as well we should be. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to become “greener”, especially when you can’t afford the price of the more environmentally-friendly products on the market. Luckily, there is one “greener” choice that you can make for a relatively low price… cloth shopping bags!

Cloth shopping bags aren’t a new invention. There have always been cloth shopping bags and there have always been people using cloth shopping bags. But, have you ever found a cloth shopping bag that would stand up, on its own, like a paper bag, hold more than three to five of those awful little plastic grocery store bags, and yet cost you only $1.25 per bag? Well, I have!

One day I came home from my weekly, grocery, shopping trip and just couldn’t believe how many plastic bags were littering my kitchen floor. I’m sure many of you have been there. You bring all the bags in and deposit them into the kitchen so that you can unload everything and put it all away. Well, have you ever noticed how one bag will have three items in it and another will have one, and so on and so forth? What’s up with that?

When I pulled a lonely jar of of peanut butter out of its very own personal, plastic bag, I realized that I hated plastic grocery bags with a passion that could rival my annoyance with a toddler’s temper tantrum any day. I mean, come on, you can only re-use so many of those plastic bags before you’re overrun with them and they are flowing out of your house like termites. I like to use them for the bathroom trash cans, but I only have two bathrooms…

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At that moment, I decided it was time to look into cloth shopping bags. But, I didn’t want anything huge and bulky. I scoured the internet for just the right bag, at the right price. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything that I liked well enough to use all the time and something that would fit the budget of a stay-at-home mom. Then I saw them, sitting there on the screen, looking all perfect and oh, so use-able… Green Valley Bags!

When ordering from Green Valley Bags, you have your choice of ordering from their website ( or ordering through their eBay auctions. You also have your choice of colors when ordering cloth shopping bags from Green Valley Bags. They offer their bags in black, red, and green — with the option to mix and match the colors as you see fit.

These bags are so easy to use. They fold up to the size of a paper grocery bag and when you’re ready to use them, you just slide the stablizing insert into the bottom and fill the bag to the top. The handles are sewn all the way to the bottom of the bags and are double stitched for added security.

Green Valley Bags will hold up to 35 pounds and are water resistant. You can fold up all but one of your bags and slip them into the last bag when you go into the store. That way you aren’t lugging numerous bags while trying to purchase your groceries. Then, just pull your bags out one by one and bag your groceries (or try to explain to the freaked out bag boy exactly what he’s suppose to do with the cloth shopping bag).

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Green Valley Bags are the lowest priced cloth shopping bags on eBay, and were the lowest priced bags on the numerous sites that I researched before going over to eBay. My life has become neater and greener because of them. At first I was afraid that the five bags I purchased wouldn’t be enough for my huge weekly grocery trips, but I was thrilled to see that I could easily pack $100 worth of groceries into my five little bags. Whereas, I would have brought home approximately three to four times that amount in plastic bags.

These bags are lovely to look at, easy to handle, simple to care for, and make the world a greener place to live in. They are also great conversation starters when you are using them. I’ve started writing Green Valley Bags’ web site address on the backs of my own, personal, business cards so that when people ask me where I got the bags I can simply hand them my business card. I get advertisement for my own work and I give them the answer to their question.

Hopefully I’m helping to make the world a little more cloth bag friendly, as well as reducing my frustration with the piles of plastic bags that would have littered my kitchen floor once a week. I give Green Valley Bags five stars out of five stars! They can also be used for a lot more than just your grocery shopping.

In the end, I am so glad that I found and purchased my Green Valley Bags cloth shopping bags. They have filled a need in my life that I didn’t know existed until that day in my kitchen floor. Check them out and see if they will help you out in one way or another.

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