Great Ways for Kids to Make Extra Money

For kids, the thing in highest demand and shortest supply is usually money. They all want tit, but how do they get it? An adult can get a job, but kids are usually forced to beg money from their parents or wait for a small weekly allowance. How can they work hard enough to earn enough money for the nicer things that they want? Try some of these great ideas for kids to make some extra money.


When I was young, my mother took my brother and me up and down roadsides, through parks, and across empty fields to collect cans and bottles. Whatever we found (usually quite a lot) we took to the recycling center and exchanged for cash. I lived in an area that did not offer a deposit program for cans and bottles, so we were rarely able to make more than five dollars per day. In states with a cash-for-cans program, however, kids can collect $20 or more worth of cans per day. It is also a wonderful way to teach kids about keeping their community clean and the value of caring for the environment.

Worm and Bait Business

Most children love digging in the dirt. If you live near an area where people do a lot of fishing, kids can earn money by collecting and selling bait. Worms are probably the easiest type of bait to catch, but many insects also make good fishing bait. If kids are quick, they may also be able to catch minnows in traps or nets to sell by the bag.

Mow Lawns

When I was a kid, mowing lawns was big business. Twenty years ago, you could get $15-$20 per lawn and that was quite a bit of money for a child to make in one day. Plenty of people hate mowing their lawns and would be glad to part with their money just so that they can stay indoors and spend their Saturday watching the ball game on TV instead.

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If your neighborhood does not allow you to post signs on telephone poles, it might be better to go door-to-door and ask each family if they need mowing services. The houses with very long grass probably house the most likely customers. If kids do a good job, they will be able to get regular repeat customers. You can also make your own business cards for free at and place them on all of the doors in your neighborhood.

Rake Leaves and Shovel Snow

When the grass isn’t growing, there are still other things kids can do to make money. In autumn, leaves need to be raked and in winter, snow often needs shoveling from walks and driveways. There is always something for kids to do, no matter what time of year it is. In the country there is also manure that needs to be shoveled and animals that need feeding. Pay close attention to outdoor work in your area that is easy enough for kids to do.

Car Wash

If you have a group of kids wanting to earn some extra money, try hosting a car wash. You can wash cars right outside your home with little more than two buckets, some car soap, sponges, and a hose. Charge a fair price and you just might have automobile owners waiting in line to get their cars soaped up. A smart group of kids will also set up a table with hot or cold drinks as well as cookies to sell to customers waiting for their cars to be cleaned. For best results, advertise a few days in advance.

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Garage Sale

Enlist your kids’ help in having a garage sale. They can carry boxes, write price tags, organize and set up tables, set out items for sale, and collect money. You can also leave the cleaning up to them when the garage sale is over. It’s a wonderful way to get rid of junk and clutter in your house and the kids can earn a little money by helping out and by selling some of their own things.


Teenage girls can make great money by watching the neighbors’ kids for them so long as the children are not too little. I loved babysitting when I was young and always earned great money. It was also good for teaching me responsibility.


During the holidays, kids can earn money by selling handmade gifts that customers can give as Christmas presents. Kids can leave flyers on doors for orders. Some items that kids can make that others might be interested in are body scrubs, bath bombs, bath salts, cookies, and homemade candies. Be sure to collect the money when the orders are filled.

Dog Bathing and Walking

Dog bathing and dog walking were once great jobs for kids, but these days, too many people are worried about the legal implications of letting even the sweetest of their dogs around strange children. Still, there are plenty who have sweet, gentle dogs who would enjoy paying a child to bathe or walk them. The elderly are especially likely customers as they often cannot get around like they used to and may not be able to bathe or walk their dogs themselves.


Teenagers may be able to get jobs helping others paint the interior or exterior of their home. Be sure that your teen knows how to exercise safety precautions. You may also wish to invest in a vapor mask. Dust masks will not prevent the inhalation of paint fumes.

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Selling Produce

If your home has fruit or nut trees, kids can earn spending money by gathering and selling them. Set up a table by the roadside or fill plastic produce bags and sell door-to-door.


If your child has a real talent making handmade items, he or she may be able to make money by selling them on, a website where crafters can set up their own storefront and sell their handcrafts. Items sold on Etsy are of a very high quality, so young children may not be able to benefit from the site. The cost to advertise one item on your free storefront is twenty cents per item. Customers can pay directly to a Paypal account. All you need is a decent digital camera. Etsy does the rest.

Craft Fairs

Craft fairs are also great places for older kids to sell high-quality handmade items. Check around at local craft fairs and farmer’s markets for booth prices. Kids might find it well worth it to set up shop once a month or so.

If you have any ideas of your own on great ways kids can earn extra money, please leave a comment below telling us about it. There are plenty of ways that kids can earn extra spending money, so let us know what you do!