Google Maps Street Views – 5 Best Sites to Find Top Street View Sightings

With the release of Google Maps Street Views comes the fad of street view sightings. Yes, people all over the internet are scouring the Google Maps Street Views program for odd and interesting street life sightings. Everyday people on the street are being “caught” picking their nose, sunbathing, coming out of a questionable establishment, even urinating in public! While this street view technology is still new for Google and comments about this technology vary from “cool” to “kind of creepy”, the Street View option has gone totally viral as viewers search the streets to find the ultimate street view sighting.

Google Maps users are “dragging and dropping” and using the 360 degree panoramic option, and looking for funny and/or controversial images within the five cities Google Maps Street Views now covers. Hate to break it to you, but that “funny stuff”..that “controversial” image… could be you.

Aside from the mixed reaction of Google Street Views, internet users are looking for the best of the best, and looking for sites to submit their street view sightings to share with the world.

Here are (in my opinion) the Top 5 Sites for Street View Sightings.


This site boasts over 300 submissions already (as of this writing)! The owner of this site accepts and displays to notable street view sightings. Some are interesting, some are hard to see. Images are not directly on this site, but instead link to Google Maps directly and serves more an an indexing site.


This site actually shows the street view sightings on the page and viewers are free to comment and submit. Sightings are broken down into four categories; Latest Sights, Sights by Locality, Sights by Category, and Maps of Recent Sights. also lists images taken with Google Maps GPS function.

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Neat site that rates the Top 10 Google Street View Sightings. Being that Google Maps Street View is still in its infancy, and add to it the number of votes the site has already received, I imagine this will turn out to be a premier site for Street View Sightings.


Another site that is getting on the Street View Sighting bandwagon. Lots of submissions daily. Look for this site to update and begin to categorize sightings into a more user-friendly interface.


Social networking sites are going haywire over Google Maps Street View Sightings, and mashable is no exception. The mashable blog currently claims the Top 15 Google Street View Sightings.

Currently, you can use Google Maps to “sight-see” on the streets of New York, Miami, San Francisco Bay Area, Las Vegas, and Denver. Google has unleashed a whole new world for map tracking enthusiasts with Google Street Views. While still in it’s early days, don’t plan on this fad losing popularity or being restricted to just the interest of map trackers.
