Go Max Foods Jokerz Bar – Product Review

A Go Max Jokerz bar is the new vegan candy bar similar to the popular non-vegan Snickers bar. The vegan world is all abuzz with celebration and praise to the makers, the Go Max Foods company.

Ever since the day the buzz got out about this revolutionary candy bar, which was before they were even for sale, I have been wanting to try one. Recently the wonderful magazine VegNews has started a small online shop with Go Max candy bars being their first vegan goodies for sale. There are many wonderful vegan shops online that sell the Go Max candy bars but the VegNews shop has free shipping. That sold me right away.

At a price of $3 a candy bar they are a far cry from the cheapness of a Snickers. Being vegan i’m used to higher cost like that for treats, but I look at it positively; $3 a bar is much easier on my waistline than the average easy to afford 50 cent non-vegan candy bar. There is less chance to over-indulge.

While a Jokerz bar is not called faux Snickers, or anything close, and it is not touted as one anywhere on the package it is similar by the make up of its caramel, peanuts and nougat covered in “milk” chocolate. Rice milk provides the “milk” part of the milk chocolate.

It has been a very, very long time since I had a Snickers bar but I do remember it quite well. If I had to compare them to the Go Max Jokerz bars I would say the taste is quite similar. The caramel is buttery sweet and the chocolate coating is just the right thickness. Though, the nougat is not as light or as thick as what you would find in the other more popular candy bar.

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Comparing aside, in my opinion it has too much caramel, not enough nougat and more importantly not enough peanuts. Some may think how could you ever have too much caramel. Well, when there are peanuts and nougat in the mix you want a good balance. I felt I spent most of the time with caramel nougatty stickiness stuck to my teeth waiting for a peanut or two to balance it out.

If you are looking for a very sweet caramelly candy bar treat a Go Max Jokerz bar will put a smile on your face. If you go into purchasing one for an exact replacement of a peanutty Snickers bar you might be a bit disappointed, but your sweet tooth will still be happily satisfied.