Girl Scout Trivia Game

As a Girl Scout leader I’ve tried to teach my girls the history of Girl Scouts. But as we all know, girls don’t want to go to a scout meeting for a history lesson or anything even remotely like school. This is supposed to be fun! So I made a Girl Scout History Trivia game that the girls do like. And every now and then the girls will surprise me with their knowledge of Girl Scout history and it makes my heart smile.

While there are thousands of questions that can be asked about the Girl Scouts and Juliette Gordon Low, these are my top 30. I use these the most often because they touch on the various aspects of scouting. These can be used in many ways including one at the beginning or end of each meeting. No matter what method you use, the point is to get the history and the message across to the girls so that they can appreciate the founder and scouting in general.

1) What do we celebrate on February 22 each year?
A) Thinking Day

2) Where are the four World Centers?
A) England, Switzerland, India & Mexico

3) Where is the Girl Scouts birthplace?
A) The Juliette Low House in Savannah Georgia

4) What are the series of books that teach us how to be great leaders?
A) The Journeys

5) What are the three leadership keys?
A) Discover, Connect and Take Action

6) What is the highest award a girl can earn in Girl Scouts?
A) The Gold Award

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7) How many girls made up the very first Girl Scout troop?
A) 18

8) What year did Juliette Gordon Low start the first troop of Girl Scouts?
A) 1912

9) What was Juliette Gordon Low’s nickname?
A) Daisy

10) What is the Girl Scout sign?
A) Three middle fingers held up on the right hand.

11) What do the three fingers of the Girl Scout sign stand for?
A) The three parts of the Girl Scout promise.

12) What sport did the first Girl Scout troop play?
A) Basketball

13) Why is the Girl Scout handshake done with the left hand?
A) Because the left hand is closer to the heart.

14) What is the Girl Scout Motto?
A) Be Prepared

15) What is the Girl Scout Slogan?
A) Do a good turn daily.

16) What is celebrated on October 31st?
A) Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday.

17) When is the Girl Scouts birthday?
A) March 12, 1912

18) What does the membership star stand for on a uniform?
A) Membership stars stand for each year a girl has been in scouting.

19) What is the main fundraiser girls do to earn money for their troop?
A) Selling cookies

20) What are the 6 levels of Girl Scouting?
A) Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior & Ambassador

21) What are the names of the badges the Daisy Scouts earn?
A) Petals

22) What are the names of the badges the Brownie Scouts earn?
A) Try-it’s

23) Where do you place all fun badges on your uniform?
A) On the back of the sash or vest.

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24) How many countries are Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in?
A) 145 countries around the world

25) What is the name of our international family?
A) World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)

26) Where is the Girl Scout Museum located?
A) New York, New York

27) What was the title of the first Girl Scout handbook?
A) How Girls Can Help Their Country

28) How many siblings did Juliette Gordon Low have?
A) She was the second of six children

29) Which disability did Juliette Gordon Low have?
A) She was nearly deaf

30) Why do Girl Scouts wear uniforms?
A) Uniforms give a certain prestige in a community.
