Gift Ideas for Cooperating Teachers

It’s nearing the end of your semester of student teaching, and you know that you need a gift to show your appreciation to your cooperating teacher and university supervisor. However, you are probably busy with lesson plans, final projects, graduation plans, job interviews, and moving plans so it can easily get put at the bottom of your to do list. Furthermore, thinking of spending more money to buy them a gift might sound difficult, since you are practically working full time as a teacher, but not getting paid for any of it. As easy at it would be to forgo the gift, I highly recommend still picking a gift and thank you card/letter no matter how good or bad your student teaching experience was. Remember, they will probably be one of your top recommendations to use for your future job applications, so it is important to thank them for all that they have done. This can be easy to do and not too hard on your piggy bank either. Here are some of the best ideas:

1. Gift Cards: This idea might be controversial in other career fields, but in education gift cards are revered. If you don’t know your cooperating teacher/ university supervisor very well I highly suggest picking up a gift card for a bookstore. All teachers like books about something, and this will give them the freedom to choose the topic. Don’t worry about whether you can only give them a $5 gift card. I am a teacher and I know that other teachers would understand the budget you have. They will appreciate even the small amount. If you want to go even more general, pick up an Amazon gift card.

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2. School Supplies: It is a fact that most teachers buy at least some of their school supplies they use in their classroom. A box full of markers, crayons, rulers, pencils, pens, dry erase markers, or some calculators would actually probably make their day. You might be able to find coupons to cut your cost even more.

3. Movie Gift Certificate: Teachers don’t “splurge” too often on themselves, and a gift certificate for two tickets, popcorn, and a drink (or whatever you can afford) would allow them to have a nice night out. They will be able to go and enjoy any show of their choice whether romance, horror, suspense, and enjoy it with out thinking of comparing the cost to picking up a movie from the library.

4. Music: If you are close enough with your cooperating teacher or university supervisor to know the type of music they like, pick up a CD of their favorite group. A nice alternative that would prevent the mistake of buying something they already have, would be to buy a gift card to download music. Make sure that they have a working knowledge of downloading mp3’s before you give them that type of gift card.

5. Food: If you are good in the kitchen, a basket of baked goods is always fun to receive. If baking is not your thing, a variety of candy would also work great. If your teacher avoids high fat/ high sugar foods a fruit basket is also a nice gift. If you buy the fruit that is in season, it also is fairly frugal!

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6. Support their Hobbies: Not all cooperating teachers and university supervisors talk that much about their personal lives. However, if you happen to know about their hobbies, that can give you a large amount of gift ideas. For example, if you know she or he golfs, a box of golf balls would be appropriate. If you know she or he scrapbooks, a bag full of an assortment of papers and scrapbooking accessories would be perfect. A good way to get a glimpse into their hobbies is to ask about what they do over the summer.

This list would not be complete if I did not include items to avoid giving as gifts (there are always exceptions). Here’s the most common complaints: anything with apples, small figurines that need to be dusted, Christmas ornaments, mugs, and mousepads.

Your gift would not be complete without a sincere thank you note or letter. No matter how wonderful or awful your experience, I am sure you learned many valuable things. Make sure to tell them all about it. Teachers are rarely thanked, and when they are they really appreciate it. I know many teachers hold on to all thank you notes from students and student teachers to read on “bad days.” This would be a great time to show your gratitude for all of the time they have spent mentoring you. So as you near the end of your student teaching, take a moment to really thank your cooperating teacher and university supervisor for all that they have done. You will never regret it.