Gift Baskets for Teens

It seems the more technology is involved, the harder it becomes to purchase a gift or gift that will truly be appreciated by the teenagers in our lives. How many MP3’s and IPods can they have anyway? Every time I turn around technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and the kids are leaping with it. They download songs and videos before they’re even released! We need to put a finger in the leaking dike of technology and let the kids relate to an easier way of living their lives.

Gift baskets are a way of giving a multitude of items without much trouble. They can all be related like all cd’s or dvd’s or just make a basket with a variety of items. When I think of teens, I think of food. Kids and food just go together. When I’m browsing online for ideas one website I found is Gift baskets can be ordered for under $25.00. You can also phone in your order to 800-266-5437.

If your teen loves popcorn browse the website for The Popcorn Factory at They have tins of different flavored popcorn that can be shipped out to your favorite teen or teens. You could pair it with envelopes of hot chocolate and a package of mini marshmallows.

When you need inspiration for putting a basket together you might check out They have creative and unique gifts for any occasion. Another website devoted to food type gift baskets including fruit baskets is If your teen likes spa type baskets cherrymoon farms can put one together for you as well as cookie baskets and fruit baskets or a combination!

See also  Fruit Baskets: Should You Make Your Own or Buy One?

If you want to create your own basket go to and find anything you need for putting together a basket totally unique to the person receiving it. Oriental trading company has been around for over 75 years and has a very good supply of party items, office items, craft items or toys. You will find anything you need for putting a basket together.

You could purchase a small basket and put gift, gas or phone cards in it as well as fun clothing items. I know teenagers who like to wear socks and the more outlandish the better. They also like to wear mismatching socks so a basket of socks for a teenager who likes socks would be well received. Speaking of clothing, teens are also needing hats, scarves or gloves. These are usually left behind somewhere so having more than one of anything helps in that department.

Another idea is gift certificates to local restaurants, arcade stores, movie houses or video rentals. If your teen has a favorite musical group (even if you don’t have a clue as to who the group is) get the latest cd and pair it with a book by their favorite author. Ask them what tv shows they like to watch and buy a seasons worth of dvd’s for that show.

Have them pick out a couple of computer or video games they like and purchase them. That way you will know the kids have what they want and there is less chance the item will be returned to the store. I wish we could stop the “instantaneous-ness” of our lives and go back to when life was simple. But, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.