Get Your Homecoming Dress for Less

It’s that time of year again! Football, parties and of course Homecoming. The average high school girl will need at least two formal dresses per school year and by the time you are done paying for the clothing and accessories you don’t have much money left for sports jersey’s yearbooks or pictures. There has to be a better way than paying full price for a dress one might wear only once before discarding.

Exchange With A Friend

A popular trend these days is to trade off your homecoming dress with someone of your own size. This can be done with a friend or through something like Craigslist. Before you make this trade be sure that you can try on the dress for fit and quality. Make sure to check the dress for wear and tear along the seams, check the hem for any fraying and the material itself for any stains. Yes, dresses can be altered but it’s much easier to find a dress that is not five sizes to big or small as the style will ultimately have to be changed a bit with alteration.

Check The Closets Of Family Members

While most teenagers will not want to wear their mother’s daily clothing they can often find some very nice to wear for homecoming in the back of mom’s closet. Of course old sisters, Aunts, older sisters and other friends may have their old homecoming or prom dresses in their closets as well. The basic black dress never goes out of style and can be accessorized to look like something new and trendy.

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Thrift Stores/ Consignment Shops

Thrift stores often have a formal section but be picky about where you go. If you go to an area that the general demographic is over sixty you are going to find dresses for that age group. Most college towns have thrift stores and they cater to the students. Consignment shops in this area are your best bet as the students are bringing in good quality and current styles to these stores in order to get a few extra dollars for themselves. Often the beginning of any semester is when you will find your best selection as students are trying to furnish dorms and apartments along with buying books and supplies for school. These are great places for finding a homecoming dress.


Always a favorite of busy mom’s on a budget. Many brides to be find designer wedding dresses on ebay for a fraction of the cost so why not look for your homecoming dress online as well? Often you can find dresses perfect for homecoming starting at just one dollar. Make sure to check as many categories that fit your search to get the best selection. Many bridesmaids put their dresses on ebay, as well as designer names and just plain formal wear. All of these categories will have something appropriate for homecoming at a fraction of the cost. Double check the sellers guarantees for their merchandise as well as their ratings. Homecoming is not the time to take risks at the last minute so make sure you order well in advance in case something does go wrong. Many items that are payable via paypal offers coverage of up to one thousand dollars of your purchase cost if you are not satisfied or if the seller fails to deliver.

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Homecoming does not have to expensive if you are willing to take the time and look around for other options. It just takes some time and patience. Adding accessories to old dresses can revitalize and make new a dress you haven’t worn in awhile. Find homecoming dresses that you can make some minor changes to and wear for prom in the spring. It is much less expensive to add accessories than it is to buy a new dress for every occasion. This homecoming season why not shop smart and have something that you can wear again in the future?
