Genesis Bible Quiz for Kids – Fun and Easy

This is a decidedly Christian trivia game for review of Bible stories in Genesis.

A list of true/false trivia style questions follows. It was created for a review of Genesis, from Creation to the family spat between Esau and Jacob. We use it to play a game called “Lie Detector.” Every child gets a statement and the opportunity to decide whether to statement is correct or incorrect. You can pick individual questions based on age, or move through the list chronologically. If using as a group game, players sit down once they miss a question. Players can win a pass, for a future question, by correcting a false statement.

This is also a neat trivia game to play in the car, or during family Bible study.

Lie Detector Game: Genesis Bible Knowledge Game

Can you tell the truth from a lie?

1. In the beginning the Democrats created the heaven and the earth. (God)

2. Jesus existed in heaven before he came to earth as a baby. (True)

3. God called light day and night yesterday. (night)

4. God made apple trees to make apples; pigs to have baby pigs; berry bushes to make berries; and humans to have human babies. (True)

5. Cain killed his brother Abel because Abel was better looking. (Able offered a pleasing sacrifice to God.)

6. God created the world in six days, on the seventh day he went on vacation. (rested and made it holy)

7. God made man from the water in the Gulf of Mexico. (dirt)

8. God made woman from fruit of the tree of knowledge. (Adam’s rib)

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9. The first man was Adam. (True)

10. The first woman was Sarah. (Eve)

11. A cow tempted eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. (serpent/snake)

12. Adam and Eve had three sons: Cain, Able, and Seth. (True)

13. The best place to read about the story of Noah is in the T.V. Guide. (Bible)

14. Abraham built an ark and saved the animals from the flood. (Noah)

15. Noah got his plans for the ark from RV and Boating Magazine. (from God)

16. Noah was six years old when the flood began. (600 years old)

17. Noah and his wife had three sons. Their names were Homer, Bar, and Moe. (Shem, Ham, Japheth)

18. Noah and his wife had three sons. Their names were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (True)

19. Moses and his wife had three sons. Their names were Bungle, Zippy, and George. (No record of Moses having three sons.)

20. Noah was a sailor by trade. (Cared for Vineyards. Didn’t live near any water.)

21. Although Noah made the boat himself. His wife told him to do it, how to make it, and how big it had to be. (God told him.)

22. When Abraham and his family were in the ark it rained 40 days and 40 nights. (Noah)

23. After it rained the ark floated about for a long time, but everyone onboard was safe and dry. Noah sent out a raven to see if there was dry ground. (True)

24. An ark is an old work of art. (boat)

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25. When the raven did not return, God sent out a dove to see if the ground was dry. (true)

26. The first thing Noah did when he unloaded the boat was to invite the neighbors over for a party. (built an altar)

27. When Noah unloaded the ark, the first thing he did was build an altar to God. (True)

28. After the flood, God gave the world a sign that he promised to never flood the earth again. The sign was lightning and thunder. (rainbow)

29. After the flood, God gave the world a sign that he promised to never flood the earth again. The sign was fluffy clouds that look like cotton candy. (rainbow)

30. Different languages began when Seth went to Spain. (Tower of Babel).

31. God told Abraham to leave his home in Utah. (Ur)

32. Abraham took his nephew Lot with him from Ur. Lot was generous and thankful. He gave the best land to his good uncle. (He picked what he thought was the best land for himself.)

33. Angels visited Abraham to let him know that God had not forgotten him and he would have a son. (True)

34. Sarah laughed when God told her she would have triplets. (Have a son when she was so old.)

35. Abraham was promised his family would be more in number than the fans at the Super bowl. (stars and sand)

36. Abraham had two sons. One named Ishmael and one named Isaac. (True)

37. Isaac married a beautiful girl named Rowena. (Rebekah)

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38. Isaac had two sons: Jacob and Esau. (True)

39. Jacob and Esau were triplets. (twins)

40. Jacob was born three years before Esau. (No, they were twins, born at the same time.)

41. Esau liked to drive go-carts. (Hunt)

42. Esau sold out his inheritance as first born for a bowl of soup. (True)

43. Jacob was loved most by his mother. (True)

44. Jacob’s name means “full moon.” (Deceiver)

45. Esau went out to hunt some venison and Jacob snuck in and stole his wallet. (birthright/inheritance/father’s blessing)

46. Jacob had to run for his life when he fooled his dad and stole Esau’s birthright. (True)