Game Review – Deep Blue Sea

“Deep Blue Sea” is a puzzle game, which falls in line with many other puzzle games around today. Many puzzles games developed today are done with the basic puzzle board presented to the player, and in the true “Connect Four” fashion, it is up to the player to move pieces around until there is a minimum of three pieces in a row. While the basic outline of the game is very generic, it is a tried and true concept that will ensure that the player is challenged and engrossed in the game play.

The playing field consists of several tiles and in each tile is a sea creature of one sort or another. However, at certain points during game play a random tile may include a bonus or a power up. Remember, while you are trying to place the characters three in a row, you are under water and it is important to get some oxygen. This can be done by clearing a tile that contains a picture of an old diver’s bell. If you run out of air, you drown and in essence, you lose the game.

The little tiled characters are okay, but the backgrounds are the real graphical draw for this game. In my opinion, the playing field seemed to be a bit crowded, but for this type of game, I expect that to be acceptable. The sound and the graphics do complement one another, which makes the game a very worthy addition to your collection of puzzle games.

The nice thing about “Deep Blue Sea” is that when you do well it lets you know it. It was also nice to see that if I am stumped and I just cannot find another match, the game would give me a hint automatically depending upon how long it had been since I clicked the mouse on a tile. The installation process was very simple and game play was flawless.

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It is very likely that “Deep Blue Sea” will become a permanent part of my collection. I do have a few puzzle games that I like and this game has a re-playability value, which will keep it challenging and fun no matter how much I play it. While “Deep Blue Sea” is another puzzle game that is very similar to many others on the market, it is well put together with a nice well-rounded overall design.

In the very competitive game market, “Deep Blue Sea” definitely ranks at the top. The developer had a very clear vision of the game that they wanted to develop and they implemented it flawlessly. Taking into consideration the graphics, sound, challenge, and playability, I give “Deep Blue Sea” a 4/5 rating.

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