A Portrait of an Amazing Aries Woman and 10 Celebrity Profiles

Ahhhh, the Aries woman. It will be a rare event to find an Aries woman proclaiming her need for a man. The most independent of all zodiac signs, the Aries woman will find her own way in the world. She is extremely capable in managing her own business and then going home to create an exceptionally warm haven.

A born leader, an Aries woman will most likely take charge in the romantic department, as well. This woman loves a good challenge, playing hard to get is a sure fire way to ignite her passionate fire. On the other hand, ff the chase is deemed worthwhile in her eyes, she may get down on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage. An impossible offer to refuse, you will then gratefully accept and prepare for the ride of your life.

The Aries woman has a generous spirit and will have no qualms about sharing whatever she has with you. Love might be a different story though, you might have to go through a rigorous screening process, but what’s a few hoops? Unwittingly, soon after, you will find that the Aries woman has an extreme jealous streak. Her nature will not allow you to display a long lingering gaze at another female within her sight. If that was to unfortunately happen, it will soon turn into an explosive encounter, that trust me, you’d rather avoid.

You’ll also discover quite early on, that the Aries woman will be an amazingly loyal ally. She will cook, clean, work two jobs and nurse you back to health, while still looking impeccable. Be aware, though, that you’d never want to foolishly hide information or become secretive with her. There is no wrath quite like that of an angelic Aries. Optimism soon returns and she will then turn around and be the first to forgive. An Aries beauty is able to keep her high spirits in the face of the most dismal outlook, a quality Aries woman universally share.

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An Aries woman also has a creative flair and can conjure up the most whimsical and detailed of fairy tales. She will help you to overcome your self-doubt and shattered illusions in the sweetest of ways. An amazing Aries will, no doubt, be there for you no matter what the future holds. Be assured, though, that this will be a magical existence where everything and anything will become possible.

10 Amazing Celebrity Aries Women

1. Reese Witherspoon ~ Born March 22, 1976, in Nashville, Tennessee. Reese Witherspoon is brimming with incomparable talent. Her American pie good looks and ability to throw humor into the mix, has proven to be a successful combination. An Oscar winning actress and also highest paid, thank you very much, goes to show you how hard an amazing Aries woman is willing to work to achieve her dreams.

2. Sarah Jessica Parker ~ Born on March 25, 1965. The dynamically transformed Ms. Parker started out as a child actress then to become one of the most appreciated actresses and fashion musesof her time. Sarah Jessica brought the character Carrie Bradshaw, of Sex and the City fame, to admiration of mass world appeal. Women love and identify with this uniquely sexy beauty.

3. Sarah Michelle Geller ~ April 14, 1977. Best known for her role on “Buffy – The Vampire Slayer”, Sarah Michelle showed the world how sexy warding off vampires can be. As beautiful as she is brilliant, this amazing Aries is on her way to reaching an ambitiously sought-after presence on the big screen.

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4. Kate Hudson ~ April 19, 1979. The gorgeous Kate Hudson was born to be famous. This amazing Aries is the daughter of Goldie Hawn and so obviously had no choice but to be incredibly alluring. Kate has the Aries ambition down deep in her soul and has proven her dynamic talent is 100% all natural. Purely inspiring, Kate is as adorable as she is wonderfully talented.

5. Diana Ross ~ March 26, 1944. In order to pay tribute to Ms. Ross, one must first acknowledge her superstar status that began in the 60’s. Beginning with the Supremes, that started her on the road of fame and fortune to the ultimately prominent solo career that has spanned decades, Ms. Ross stands out as one of the most glamorous stars of all time.

6. Ashley Judd ~ April 19, 1968. Ashley was born to Naomi Judd, a famous and well-loved country singer and motivational speaker. The lovely Ashley is an Aries who not only inherited her mother’s good looks but also her undeniable charm. This amazing Aries not only lights up the silver screen, but is a devoted humanitarian and global ambassador for YouthAIDS, Ashley is a perfect example of how tenacious an Aries woman can be.

7. Jennifer Garner ~ April 17, 1972. A multi-award winning actress who is best known for her role as a CIA agent in the extremely popular hit show Alias, Jennifer exudes sex-appeal. From kick-butt action spy to devastatingly beautiful new mommy, there doesn’t seem to be anything this amazing Aries woman cannot achieve.

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8. Celine Dion ~ March 30, 1968, Celine Dion graced the world as the youngest of fourteen children and grew up with big dreams and even bigger talent. A quirky beauty and an unstoppable feminine grace has lead the way for an unbelievably successful music career. Her high-voltage personality and humble attitude has made this amazing Aries women one of the most well-liked and most triumphant.

9. Keira Knightly ~ March 25, 1985. The gorgeous Keira Knightly has risen to substantial fame with her impressive scene-stealing qualities displayed in the extremely successful “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie series. Although young in years, she has a clear vision of what roles she wishes to delve into and the impact she wishes to impart. No doubt, Keira will be one Aries actress that is worth ensuing.

10. Bette Davis ~ Born on April 5, 1908 and dearly departed on October 6, 1989. It is clear that the legendary Bette Davis needs high mention in this list of amazing Aries women. Ms. Davis was willing to take on the most challenging dramatic characters of cinematic history and also confidently dive head first into a comedic or romantic role with just as much passion. A woman of extraordinary talent she was able to convince the world that she was truly a master of her craft.