Best Freelance Writing Sites Online

In the struggling economy, most freelance writers are focused on one thing. Money. Not surprisingly, we are working harder and harder each day to make our valuable time stretch and bend.

Finding ways to expand your writing is always a good idea. However, you might be going straight down the road to the city of Burnout if you’re not careful.

When is the last time you actually had fun writing? If you’ve been stressed about the economy and focused on meeting goals and surviving the crash, it’s probably been a while.

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to have a little fun each day with your craft. If you can do it and make money at the same time, even better!

Take some time each day to write about things you enjoy. There are even several ways that you can make money doing this. Here are the top 5 ways you can make money while writing about what you enjoy.

5. Post a blog at blogger. Sure, the adsense income may not be much, but at least you’re not turning out articles like “How to Make a Vaccuum Bra.” Plus, you can write as much or as little as you like, or even just post photos that make you smile. I’ve been doing this over at one of my other blogs, Geek Girl Riot. Posting interesting photos is a nice change to constantly putting things into words.

4. If you are not yet writing at Suite 101 or Helium, you should be. Suite 101 requires you to fill out an application and send in a resume, so if you aren’t already writing for them, you should probably sign up for Helium. It’s nice to be able to write about your interests and Helium even accepts short stories and poetry. Don’t expect to earn a lot of money at Helium. So far, though, my earnings at Suite 101 have been pretty impressive. So far this month, my top earner has been “Best Foods for your Halloween Party”. That was fun to write because last year I had such a great time decorating.

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3. If creative writing is your thing, try a few of the questions over atCommon Ties You might even get a $50.00 check in the mail!

2. Submit a few articles over at eHow. I LOVE writing for eHow. You can submit articles directly to the site. Earnings vary, but if you have a popular article, you can make a decent amount of money. eHow is great because the earning potential is astounding. If you have upwards of 100 articles posted on there, the potential for residual income is wonderful. Imagine writing fun articles, such as How to Get your Wife to Have Sex with You, and earning money from now til doomsday on it. I have had a great time writing for this site, because, as you can see if you look through a list of my articles, I get to write about things that are interesting and I can do it in a non-professional, sarcastic tone.

1. I have saved this one for last because it is my favorite place to blow off some steam. I have had a great time writing here and I hope that you will use this opportunity to sign up for an account. I have two blogs there. One is another geek girl blog, only this one is focused more on writing than on photos. The other one is my Hedonist Adventure blog. You’ll just have to see it to figure that one out. I love writing for Today, because they pay me a dollar per 100 word post and they even let me have two blogs there and as you can see by viewing my blogs, they have some great templates. Think about it. That’s an extra $60 bucks a month plus page view money.

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Thinking, yeah, that’s not enough money to bother? Consider this: What could you do with an extra $600 – $800 at at the end of the year? Take a cruise? Buy a ton of Christmas presents? Today pays directly into your paypal account. My advice is to sign up for the Paypal money market account, send your today earnings there and let it earn interest. At the end of the year, you can use the money you’ve made talking about day to day bullshit to do whatever fun thing you want. It’s a win/win situation.

For more information about freelance writing sites online, visit me at The Green Ninja.
