Free Up Your Hands with the Plantronics Explorer 340 Bluetooth Headset

I have never been a big fan of talking on the phone. What turns me off the most is having to keep my hand up at my ear in order to keep the phone in place. With a baby on the way and other tasks to attend to, my hands are precious and are needed elsewhere. I thought a headset would be a very helpful gadget to have so I could multi-task better. The Plantronics Explorer 340 Bluetooth headset has solved my problems.

I received the Plantronics Explorer 340 as a Christmas gift. This headset is very small and fits nicely around your ear. There is a small piece that fits into your ear. The headset is only a couple of inches long and reaches part way onto the cheek.

The Plantronics Explorer 340 headset has a one-button feature that is very helpful for easy use. You don’t have to worry about keeping track of multiple buttons, and hitting the wrong one. The Plantronics Explorer 340 works by using different lengths of button holds or different amounts of button pushes in order to use different headset functions. This can be confusing at first, but once you learn the different combinations it is very helpful and handy. My favorite one button function is using voice recognition. All you have to do is hold the button for a couple of seconds, wait for the beep and then say a name, or whatever voice memo you have entered into your phone. This eliminates the need to pull out your phone and look up a contact, or dial a number.

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Another plus of the Plantronics Explorer 340 is its long lasting charge. I use the headset sporadically through the day for personal calls and I leave it on and hooked up to my phone constantly. It lasts through one day with no problem. I have used it up to three days on one charge. If you will be using it more frequently, you may need to charge it a little more often.

The Plantronics Explorer 340 also has very clear reception. It is important to follow the instructions that came with the device and keep your cellular phone on the same side of your body as the earpiece. This seems to help reduce static and other interference. Those I have talked to on the phone comment on the clarity of our conversations while I am using the Plantronics Explorer 340. One of the only negatives of the Plantronics Explorer 340 is that you must keep your cell phone close to you and the headset to avoid dropping a call.

One of the other positives of the Plantronics Explorer 340 is that it is comfortable to wear. I have had hour-long conversations with people while wearing it and have not felt any discomfort. It is also very easy to put on and take off.

For those who may be more technically challenged, connecting the Plantronics Explorer 340 to your cellular phone is a breeze. The earpiece comes with very basic, easy to follow instructions and it took less than 5 minutes to get it to work. The Plantronics Explorer 340 now connects to my phone automatically every time I turn it on, as long as Bluetooth is turned on in my phone.

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The Plantronics Explorer 340 also allows users to easily switch to in phone use if for some reason they need to take a call from the actual phone instead of using the earpiece. This is especially handy if you are walking around in public and don’t want to look like you are talking to yourself.

The Plantronics Explorer 340 retails for around $40 and it is a purchase worth making if you want to have a hands free cell phone experience.