Four Main Type of Laptops

If your interested in purchasing a laptop you need to know that there are four basic types. The type of laptop and features determines the price. Whether your a student going off to college, starting a business, or a basic user buying a laptop can be a serious venture. In this article I examine the four basic types and what to expect from each one.


Ultralight is just what it means. The laptop weighs less than a few pounds and has extreme portability. You can take this laptop anywhere with ease. Because of its size it has less power and features. Each ultralight comes with a minimal size hard drive, small screen, internal CD drive (usually CDRW), memory up to 1GB. These are designed to be used on the go. They would not be a good replacement for a desktop thats not what they are made for.

Even though they are small they have good battery life cause they have less features that demand a lot of power. Its small screen gets hard to look at after awhile. These laptops are good for traveling and used on Airline flights. I would recommend getting flash drives to transfer documents and data to your main computer and use this one for traveling.

These laptops are expensive and fragile so care needs to be taken to protect them. If you do a lot of traveling than this laptop would be for you.


The tablet laptop is normally a little larger and has a touch screen easy for writing. It can swivel to normal laptop position or lay down flat to be used with a writing instrument. Like the ultralight this laptop is generally expensive and has minimal power. However, it is compact and is good for note taking. This laptop is primarily used in business and also makes a good traveling computer. Care must be taken to protect the screen. This laptop has a few more features than the ultralight. Screen size determines the price on these. The larger the screen the more expensive.

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This is the laptop that most people end up buying its good for students and home users alike. It is heavier for traveling. Budget laptops usually weight from 7 – 9 pounds. The larger the screen the heavier the laptop is. These laptops are less portable than the ultralight and tablet. Lugging this through airports can get heavy after awhile. Because they have more powerful features the battery life is less. They just don’t make good traveling computers for the weight and the low battery life.

Desktop replacement

This laptop is the most expensive and the largest screen. Its not really at all portable cause it can be heavy to lug around. This laptop is used for the desktop user who prefers a laptop over a full size desktop. It has the most power but very limited battery life. It is also been called a gamers laptop. If you purchase a laptop in this group be prepared to pay dearly.

Now that you know about the four types of laptops you can make an informed decision just what is for you.