Don’t Buy Computer Monitors Online

The internet can be a great place to get all kinds of things, but there is something that I would not suggest you buy from it. What is it you ask? Well it’s a computer monitor of course and I say this for good reason. I am not saying you can’t save a lot of money on them buy getting them online, but there is something you should know about buying them online that you may not.

So, you log onto some website that has a wide variety of computer monitors for you to choose from. You find the perfect monitor and it’s the best price to! You’re so excited that you got such a deal and you can’t wait until it gets to you. Sine you are worried about the price and the deal you are getting you don’t notice the small print they put at the purchase of the item, which is understandable after all they don’t do it by accident. They count on you not reading the fine print and just ordering the monitor from them and being happy.

What is it that was in the wonderful fine print you ask? I’m glad you want to know, because the answer is that if it has less than five dead pixels you can’t return it for a refund. So, you’re probably thinking to yourself that it’s no big deal right? Well the sad fact is that it is a big deal because I highly doubt you want to turn on your monitor and find some dead pixels in the middle of the screen which now is void of picture at all. If the company determines that it is less then five or whatever they say, then you cannot receive a refund for your item and you are stuck with a busted monitor.

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Now, had you got your monitor at a store location rather than online, you can take it back if it has any dead pixels in it what so ever as this falls under the stores defection policy. The other thing to not here is that when you think you are getting a deal on a monitor online, you really need to start looking at all the stores around you. The thing most people forget is that with tax and shipping it may cost thirty to forty dollars more than it was listed at, in a since adding up to what it would have been in the store.

You need to avoid the hassle and avoid the anger and just break down and buy it at a store. You won’t have to pay for the shipping and handling and you surly won’t have to wait a week or so at a store either. Even though this article should convince you to avoid buying monitors online, if you absolutely feel that you have to buy them online, then I suggest you find a manufacture you like and go to their website. The reason I say this is that there is no third party evolved any longer and unlike what most websites say, the manufacture usually covers any and all pixel damage,

Just make sure that from now on when you decide to buy a monitor or anything else online to read the fine print. If you can’t buy directly from the manufacturer from the site you are at, go straight to the manufacturer themselves. They will offer added protection and an extended warranty that they usually don’t offer through the third party service. The internet is a great place to shop and a great place to get deals, just be careful that you understand what you are getting yourself into.