Forca Rara Capoeira Classes in Kansas City

Where can you find classes for Capoeira in Kansas City? There is one great group you can find in Johnson County. That group is Forca Rara taught by professor Ninja. This class is very energetic; you will test your strength, agility, and spirit.

So first you might be asking what exactly Capoeira is. Capoeira, is an Afro-Brazilian martial arts/dance, was originated in Brazil during the colonial period. Capoeira was created by the African people who were trafficked to Brazil as slaves by the Portuguese colonizers. Capoeira became the only way for the slaves to join together and fight the oppressive situation of slavery. It was disguised as a dance in order to fool the slave-owners of what was really going on: the organization of a mass revolution!! Capoeira, in Brazil, symbolizes the fight for freedom, inclusion, equality, justice, mass education, and hope for a better life.

Pretty cool huh! Well don’t you want to start learning now? Well you can very soon first step is to go to the Forca Rara’s webpage and check out what they have to offer. If you are too lazy then let me tell you what they offer. They offer adult classes three nights a week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 to 9:30 PM. They also offer a kids class on Monday at 7:00 until 8:00 PM. If you are unsure if you really want to join then just stop by and see professor Ninja, you can try it out first; he knows you will love it once you have tried it once.

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So where are these great classes held at? You can find them at The Martial Arts Institute at 12655 Antioch Road, Overland Park Kansas, 66213. A great new location for this group, lots of space to spread out in.

So now you are interested for sure so go to the website and see what else they have to offer ( They have a decent website with some good pics and really great videos. You will be impressed with professor Ninjas abilities, and his love for this art form. The website also has a forum so you can go post comments about the website and pictures.

The group often has great fundraiser events and goes on trips together to perform. They obviously have a lot of fun and everyone always seems to love Capoeira. They also have a contact form so you can ask any questions that might still be burning in your head. I also know that this is a great group, they have performed at my college many times and professor Ninja is a friend. Don’t worry this review isn’t biased ;-), if he wasn’t good I would let you know.

So what are you waiting for go check out the website and please make sure to go to a class. Like I said once you try Capoeira once you are sure to be a regular member of Forca Rara. There are also many other websites dedicated to Capoeira that you can check out I have provided some links keep this awesome art going.