Flower Gardens for Kids

Spring and summer are fun seasons to spend lots of time outside and enjoy nature. Kids love flowers with their colors, shapes, scents, and surprising creatures that can be resting upon them. Planting a flower garden for your kids with them is super easy, fun and can provide a variety of lessons to help them learn. A kid’s flower garden doesn’t have to be an elaborate, landscaped marvel of greenery – just remember to keep it simple.

What do kids get out of planting a flower garden? Well, lots of things!
*Kids learn where plants originate, which can also a great lesson in where fruits and vegetables come from
*They see the transformation from seed to plant
*Kids can help with the responsibility and care of a living thing by helping water and weed
*After blooming, kids can see the formation of seeds, which are characteristic to each plant
*Bees, butterflies, grasshoppers, caterpillars and other critters can be observed up close
*Kids will enjoy the project for days and days, allowing a sense of patience, understanding for work and a sense of pride

Flower Garden Size
Now that you know what kids get from having a flower garden, these are suggestion to help you determine the size of the flower garden that is suitable for you. Depending on your gardening experience, the time you want to put in to tending to the flower garden and the amount of space you have – these are all factors in deciding how big the flower garden should be. Here are some ideas and suggestions to help:

See also  10 Beautiful and Easy Flowers that Will Bloom All Summer

Flower pots – these can be kept on a porch, are ideal for small spaces, are low maintenance, and easy to care for.

A section in an existing flower garden – make a section exclusively for your kid(s) that is solely their responsibility. The ground will be or will be easily prepped for planting

Make a new flower garden – if you have a green thumb, want to spend a lot of time on a project, and want to make a new garden, this is the project for you and your kid(s). Who couldn’t use another set of flowers to enjoy and less yard to mow?

Easy Flowers to Grow
There are so many flowers to choose from and it may be overwhelming to decide what kind of flowers to get when going to a nursery or store. The suggestions below are easy to start and care for, come in many colors, and can narrow your list of where to start. Be sure to read the planting and care instructions on each seed packet or plant for specific details for each one.








With this bit of information hopefully you and your kids will embark on a project that will bring enjoyment for many days to come. Once you have a simple garden down, don’t be afraid to try new flowers or even vegetables – you might be surprised how easy those can be too. Happy gardening!

Personal Experience