Flour Paste Recipe for Kid Crafts and Paper Crafts

Why not make your own homemade paste for kid crafts and paper crafts, using one of the natural recipes.

Because these paste recipes use natural cooking ingredients, they are safe for children to use in their crafts, including paper crafts. But just because they’re make from ingredients you can eat, that is still no reason to eat it!

Flour paste is best for dry climates and seasons because sometimes mold likes to grow on flour paste. (See, that’s one more reason not to eat paste!)

Materials for the Flour Paste Recipe for Paper Crafts

Makes 8 ounces.

1 empty cottage cheese or ricotta cheese container (or similar), washed rinsed and dried
1/16 teaspoon of wintergreen oil
1/2 cup white flour
2/3 cup of tap water

Equipment Needed to Make Homemade Flour Paste

1 bowl
1 spoon
1 hand for stirring
a fun paper craft project so you can use the glue!

Prepare Before Making the Flour Paste

Kids, wear an old shirt or an apron. Clear off a space on a tabletop or a counter. Always line the counter with old newspaper some paper towels. It makes cleaning up after so much easier!

Collect the equipment including a large plastic bowl for mixing. You want to pick a bowl that is bigger than you need. That way the flour is not as likely to spill out of the bowl.

It’s harder to mix recipe ingredients, even for flour paste, in a bowl that is too small.

Kids You can take out the plastic measuring cups and measuring spoons. Use a butter knife or the handle-end of the spoon to level-off the flour after measuring it into the 1/2 cup measuring cup. Having the exact right amount of ingredients helps make your paste flour recipe a success.

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Next, use a liquid measuring cup to measure exactly 2/3 cup of water.

Make the Flour Paste

After the flour and water are measured, it’s time to pour, mix and stir the flour paste recipe for paper crafts.

Pour the measured flour into the bowl first. Then pour the water, slowly mixing, until all of the water is added.

You will have to use your kid muscles to keep stirring until the flour paste looks good and creamy (but not good enough to eat, remember!)

The final step in making this recipe to glue paper crafts is to add a couple of drops of wintergreen oil. Stir again, until the oil is well mixed into the paste. The wintergreen oil will hopefully keep the mold away long enough for you to use the paste again and again in paper crafts.

Tip: If the stored flour paste has a green or moldy appearance, it’s time to throw it away and make some more, using this easy recipe.

What you Can Glue with Flour Paste

Use your newly-made flour paste to glue any paper crafts. For example, use it for paper crafts that involve gluing paper to paper, construction paper to paper, card stock to paper, paper to cardboard, or tissue paper to construction paper.

This easy recipe can be made any time you want to make paper crafts.