Florida Gardening: Flowerbeds Made Easy

Who wouldn’t like to have flowerbeds full of beautiful flowers blooming? Unfortunately, if your prone to having a black thumb, or have had a bad experience in the past, then your flowerbeds are probably bare. Mine sure was until I did some research, and of course trial and error. No need to worry, this summer you are going to have one of the best flower gardens on your block, without the stress. There are three groups of flowers which are beautiful, easy to grow, and hardy. as a matter of fact these flowers are so easy to grow, that you a child as young as two can help you. Take a look at these flowers, and how simple they are to grow year after year.

Marigolds. Everyone has heard of Marigolds, but has everyone seen all the colors, and sizes they come in? You can plant Crackerjacks which are tall, and have large yellow blooms. Or how about French Dwarf? These Marigolds have orange, and red mixed flowers. The plant of the French Dwarf grows only eight to twelve inches off the ground, but is thick and full of flowers. The list goes on, and on. Marigold seeds are easy to plant. Just sprinkle them over the dirt, and lightly rake in or toss a little dirt on top of them, then water. The best part it, Marigold seeds are easy to come by. Just dry one of the flowers out, and you’ll have a hundred seeds for next year.

Mexican Petunia. The Mexican Petunia is a very hardy plant that last through the driest summers, and comes back year, after year. These plants grow to be around three feet tall, and have tons of beautiful flowers on a brush like plant. Mexican Petunia makes a great backdrop plant to any flowerbed. You can find these plants with purple, or pink flowers. Seeds are easy to plant. You can sprinkle them on top of loose soil, and pat in, or rake in. Once they are done blooming you will see brown seed pods about two inches in length. These pods pop open when they are dried, which has a spring like effect, spreading the seeds inside. The Mexican Petunia is the type of plant you plant once, and have for life.

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Sunflower. Sunflowers are wonderful, especially if you have children around. You can plant Mammoth Sunflowers which will grow to be eight foot tall. Or how about Dwarf Sunflowers which will only grow to be a foot tall. Sunflowers come is many different colors, such as bright yellow, red, orange, white, pale yellow, just to name a few. They also some in many shapes, and sizes. To plant sunflower seeds, make a hole about one inch deep in your soil using your finger, or a pencil. Net drop in the seed, then cover, and water. Before long you’ll have beautiful Sunflowers. Don’t forget to dry the flowers out for the seeds. You can replant dried seeds right away, or wait until next year. You can also use the dried seeds for natural birdseed, or eat them yourself.

For a bright fun yard, plant all three of these plants. You’ll be amazed how plants that are so easy to grow, look so beautiful. For more planting ideas, and seed tips please visit www.burpee.com.
