Five Quick Fix Stress Relievers You Can Do at Your Desk

In my experience, job stress is inevitable. Even if you eat right, exercise, have a good rapport with your boss, and know your job inside and out, you’re going to have those moments where the door to unemployment looks a lot more inviting than the stack of papers on your desk or another complaint from the office peanut gallery.

While doing the above mentioned things is a great way to stave off long term stress, sometimes you just need something in the here and now to calm your nerves, quiet your brain, and ease some of the worry and anger that even little things can bring. While some tactics might not be appropriate (blaring angry speed metal music to announce your current irritation won’t earn you a promotion), there are things you can do that will make you feel better without black listing you from the next company potluck.

Drop everything and organize – If things are piling up and your head is spinning, it’s okay to step back and take stock of your work area. Sometimes the biggest stressor is a matter of not knowing where things are. The overwhelming feeling of not having control can leave you unable to get anything done. Take ten minutes to clean your area. Sort old messages and memos. Clip like documents together. Make folders for big projects. Throw away junk mail or anything that’s already been handled. Once your desk looks neater, your mind is likely to settle back into its own organized pattern, easing the stress of disorganization.

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Do chair exercises – I used to laugh when people would tell me about exercises that could be done at one’s desk. Work is for work and the gym is for exercise. But I’ve found over time some of the littlest exercises can increase blood flow and relax the body enough to lower stress levels. Try something simple, like easy leg raises your desk or rolling your neck and shoulders to ease any tension. Stretching your arms above your head for a few seconds can help you breathe easier and simple wrist exercises will take your focus off stress inducers and help prevent future carpal tunnel problems.

Play solitaire – If you just need to give your mind something to focus on for a few minutes, stop and play a quick game of computer solitaire. Concentrating on the game keeps away stressful thoughts and helps you relax by focusing your attention somewhere other than work, co-workers, or the latest phone call that really pushed your annoyance buttons. Believe it or not, the act of clicking and moving the mouse can be soothing. However, make this a quick five minute stress relief and not an all day thing. Otherwise, you stress out co-workers who have to watch you spend quality work time playing games.

Pray – Not everyone is spiritual, but anyone can take a few moments to pray. If you’re worried that your office might have issues with it, ask your boss if you can go outside or to your car. Praying doesn’t mean you have to get on your knees and shout praises. You can even say a silent prayer at your desk without anyone having to know. Faith is a great stress reliever. Knowing that there’s a higher power at work can really help ease the stress of thinking you have to carry the weight of work on your shoulders 24/7.

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Have some chocolate – I don’t actually recommend huge quantities of chocolate, as spikes in sugar levels can cause more stress. But a small amount of chocolate can go a long way in releasing a few “feel good” chemicals to the brain, giving you time to reflect on the fact that things might not be as bad as they seem. Have a miniature size candy bar or a brownie from the vending machine. If you bring your own, keep a stash in a drawer and allow yourself one or two small pieces for those high stress moments. The more you savor that small piece, the more time you give yourself to calm down. For a bonus, develop a taste for dark chocolate, which has been found to have added health benefits.

Sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest impacts on your day and the level of your stress. Take a little time to use these methods and share them with co-workers to make for a smoother work day and better work environment.