Five Common Causes for a Chronic Cough

Having a chronic cough can be quite annoying, and depending on the reason for the cough, there are ways to get rid of it, since a chronic cough obviously signifies a potentially serious underlying problem. The first step to getting rid of a chronic cough is identifying the cause. This will require you to see a doctor in order for him or her to rule out certain conditions which will help to pinpoint the exact cause of your problem. Below is a list of five common causes for a chronic cough, and perhaps you and your doctor will discover that one of these is the cause of yours and work on treating it.

Post nasal drip – this occurs when allergies, a cold or sinus infection causes excess mucus to accumulate in the back of the throat. This accumulation of mucus can cause irritation that can lead to coughing. When the post nasal drip becomes chronic, unfortunately so does the cough. In order to end coughing in a situation like this, you’ll have to get to the bottom of the post nasal drip. If your problem is due to allergies, seeking treatment, whether allergy shots or medication, could stop your coughing.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – in this condition, stomach acid flows back up the esophagus, irritating the area and also leading to coughing. Since GERD is often chronic, the coughing usually is as well. In order to get rid of a chronic cough caused by GERD, you can have your doctor treat you with prescription treatments for heartburn, like Protonix, Zantac, etc. You might even choose to treat your own GERD using over-the-counter remedies.

See also  Reflux (GERD) in Infants

Lung Cancer – only a small percentage of chronic coughs are a result of lung cancer, but unfortunately some are. If you are a current or former smoker and the phlegm produced from your chronic cough contains blood, see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out this potentially deadly cause of some chronic coughs.

Upper Respiratory Infection – sometimes after a cold, flu or similar illness has run its course, inflammation and irritation can remain in the respiratory tract, resulting in a cough that doesn’t go away for days, possibly weeks after your illness has cleared up. Usually such an infection will simply have to run its course, especially if its viral, and only a physician can determine if the infection is bacterial and requires antibiotics.

Blood Pressure Medications – sometimes a common class of drugs prescribed to treat high blood pressure and/or heart failure, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, can cause a chronic cough in 20 % of individuals taking them. A chronic cough caused by being on this class of drugs usually disappears within a week, but in some cases it can linger on for as long as a month or more. If the cough becomes especially troublesome, see your doctor.


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