Firm Up that Upper Arm Flab with This Easy Exercise

You have noticed the jiggling sensation when you raise your arms, you have seen the dimples in backs of your upper arms while looking in the mirror. You know you are well on your way to growing those dreaded grandmotherly ‘bat-winged’ arms. You don’t want anyone else to notice your flabby upper arms, so you hide them under sleeves and envy the women that can wear sleeveless tops.

Cut the sleeves out of those tops and channel your envy into body pride, help is on the way! You can reverse the effects of aging, flabby upper arms without surgery by doing this easy exercise routine. You can firm the flab anywhere, anytime, even while sitting and watching your favorite TV show!

This exercise will tone your biceps and triceps, tightening up the flab, and give your arms a toned, youthful appearance.

Start with your arms extended out to both sides, fingertips pointing upwards. Feel that wonderful stretch that goes from your fingertips to your shoulders? Hold that position for 10 seconds, then flex your hands with fingertips pointing down at the floor, hold that position for 10 seconds also. Repeat this two more times to get your muscles warmed up.

Next, with fingertips pointing upwards, make small, deliberate up and down motions with your arms. The movement should be about 12-18 inches, do not go all the way down to your side or over you your head with this movement. Repeat this 10 times, then point your fingertips downward and repeat the process.

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When you have competed the up and down set, with arms still extended and fingertips pointed upwards, make small, deliberate circles with your arms. First clockwise for 10 reps, then counter clockwise for another 10 reps. Repeat the process with fingertips pointed downwards.

With arms still extended and fingertips up, act as though your are pushing a wall away from you on side. Bring hands in near the sides of your shoulders and deliberately push out to each side. Repeat this 10 times, with fingertips up only.

Next, you will act as though you pushing something off the top of your head. Bring your outstretched arms up over your head, fingers flexed, bring arms down to the tops of your shoulders and deliberately push straight up. Repeat 10 times.

By now, you will be feeling a little burn and weakness in your arms, this is a good thing, you are doing the exercise correctly. Let your arms rest for 10 seconds at any time during this routine.

Now lean slightly forward and bring your arms to your sides with elbows bent. Keeping your upper arm close to your body, and your hands flexed, push backwards for 10 reps.

You want to work your way up to doing three sets of 10 of each movement. For faster results, you can do this while holding small hand weights, the key is building the surrounding arm muscles up to take up the slack skin.

This simple exercise routine will firm up your upper arm flab while you watch TV.

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It doesn’t get any easier than that!