Finding Healthy Energy Boosters

For many of us, life can be very busy. Between work and family responsibilities, you can end up with a very hectic day. Being on the go constantly can take its toll on your health. Having a steady supply of healthy natural foods is important so that you don’t burnout.

The Many Options for Healthy, Natural Energy Boosters
The market is flooded with hundreds of options when it comes to healthy, natural energy boosters. You will find natural beverages, snacks, powders and supplements all designed to help boost your energy. Many of them have ingredients such as green tea, vitamin C, acai, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and even caffeine.

Look for Green as a Healthy, Natural Energy Booster
There are many green powders that can be added to juices, smoothies and foods that will provide that extra boost of energy. Wheat grass, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina, and alfalfa are rich sources of energizing nutrients. Many of these green energy boosters have calcium, iron magnesium, and potassium, along with many vitamins to help energize your body.

Healthy Bacteria is a Healthy, Natural Energy Booster
Probiotics is considered the healthy bacteria that many of us need. Having the good strains of healthy bacteria is foods like yogurt and kefir have been found to help boost energy in a healthy way. By inducing this healthy bacteria into your system, it can reduce infections, relieve cold and flu symptoms and therefore restore and improve energy. The probiotic healthy bacteria improves the digestive system to help in weight lose and therefore gives the feeling of being more energetic.

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Energy Boosters Can Be a Letdown
The problem with many commercial energy products is that they rely on caffeine and sugar for their kick. Some commercial energy drinks contain enough caffeine that would equal 5 cans of cola or 11/2 cups of coffee as well as more calories and carbohydrates than drinking all that soda. Caffeine is a stimulant that many people can become dependent on if ingested often. Many of these commercial energy products are lacking in calcium, potassium, Vitamin D and folate, which are nutrients that many need in our systems.

Growing in popularity is the single serving one shot portable energy drinks. These are marketed as an enhanced concentration and endurance drink that doesn’t cause the jitters. The caffeine content on these single shot energy drinks is usually about the same as a small cup of coffee.

Read the Labels Before Choosing a Healthy, Natural Energy Booster
As with many foods, it is important to read the nutritional label. Many health experts recommend that you compare the energy booster drinks ingredients. It is important that you know what is inside them and how they fit with your supplements you already take. Choose the right healthy, natural energy boosters that will best suit your individual needs.