Relieving Job Burnout Symptoms

Is there a chance you have job burnout? Is it possible you have been experiencing job burnout symptoms and are not aware of them? Let’s look at job burnout symptoms, causes and relieving job burnout symptoms. Learn how to recognize job burnout symptoms so you can identify problems, deal with them and get back to a healthy happy life.

Is Job Burnout a Possibility?

Many people may see the signs of job burnout symptoms or experience them during some point in their career or life. An obligation or a job can keep you emotionally and physically drained for as few as a couple of weeks, months or possibly years. Unfortunately, it is possible to come to a point where you do experience job burnout.

Job burnout is a condition that takes place when your mind or body cannot continue to deal with overpowering demands. You feel emotionally exhausted and stop caring. Even though you work hard, it is difficult to achieve anything or have a feeling of accomplishment.

Job Burnout Symptoms

It is important to recognize job burnout symptoms early before undesired consequences may transpire. Job burnout is not something that just happens overnight so there is time to notice job burnout symptoms and take action to change your situation. Job burnout symptoms may fall into anyone of two areas, which are physical or emotional in nature.

Physical job burnout symptoms may include sudden weight gain or loss, chronic fatigue, sleeping problems, headaches, gastrointestinal difficulties, muscle aches, frequent colds or high blood pressure. Emotional job burnout symptoms can include periods of irritability, depression, frustration, anger, apathy, cynical attitudes, high-risk behaviors and emotional volatility.

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Many of these symptoms may sound familiar for other medical disorders. They could in fact be associated with other types of problems and that is why you may want to consult with your doctor. However, when you take a close examination of your job, life and many of these symptoms appear to be evident then it might be time for some careful evaluation.

Job Burnout Causes

Because each individual is different and works under different job situations there could be any number of underlying factors as to why you may be experiencing job burnout. The following is a list of possible job burnout causes.

Working a job that has no defined goals makes it difficult to see or feel any progress even after a long time. Jobs that lack prioritization, planning, delegation and time management skills can create an overpowering workload with no finish in sight. Working where you feel you have no control over situations that directly effect you physically or emotionally can cause you to feel job burnout symptoms.

Problems can arise when working for company values that are in conflict with those of your own personal feelings or values. Trying to solve problems at work when you do not have the resources or the authority. Job burnout can take place when you work constantly to excel at your job, but receive little to no recognition or chance for promotion. Notice that these examples of job burnout symptoms all indicate situations with no control or sense of accomplishment.

Relieving Job Burnout Symptoms

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If you are living with job burnout symptoms, pinpoint problems you are experiencing and how they are affecting you. It is up to you to take action and make changes for the better. Identify all job stressors that are contributing to job burnout symptoms for you. Look at each individual problem and make a list of options to resolve the problem. After listing all options review and determine what course of action to take in each situation concerning the job.

This could mean changing hours, reallocating job responsibilities, telecommuting, job sharing or flex time. After determining job burnout symptoms speak with your supervisor about changes. Changing to an entirely new job could be what you need. Acquire additional skills by attending night school or using online training for a new career. Seek the same type of employment with a new company and new management. Consider a work-at-home job in a completely new field.

Adjusting your attitude with a fresh outlook and seeking support from co-workers, family or friends may help to relieve job burnout symptoms. Very few jobs are perfect. Jobs and life can be a matter of attitude, how you perceive situations and what you do about them that makes you a happy person.
