Finding a Low Cost Graduation Cap & Gown

If you’re going to be graduating from high school or college soon, you’re probably in the process of getting everything prepared for your big day. Of course there’s the fee that you must pay in order to graduate from college, you’ll have to make sure you have all your classes and credits in order, and one thing that you certainly can’t forget is your cap and gown. If you’re like many high school and college students, though, you’re probably short on cash. Being low on cash, however, doesn’t have to affect any aspect of your graduation, and if you shop at the right places, you can most definitely find many economical cap and gown choices available. The following web sites sell some very low cost caps and gowns, that can help save you some cash during the time of your graduation.

Economy Cap & Gown

This company offers some really great prices on caps and gowns, and entire sets including cap, gown and tassel are as low $17.70. If you’re interested in buying your cap and gown separately, caps cost as little as $5 each and come in a variety of different colors. You even have the option of purchasing a full package that includes the cap, gown, tassel, diploma cover as well as a printed honor sole. This particular package is $34.50. To check out all they have to offer, go to

Trim and Tassels

This site offers more than low priced caps, gowns and tassels. You can purchase graduation invitations, handbags, trim, and much more. They sell beautiful cap, gown and tassel sets starting at $25.99, and they come in a variety of colors. Choose from gowns appropriate for high school and undergraduate college graduates as well as for those receiving masters and doctorate degrees. To see everything this site has to offer, go to their site at:

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Graduation Source

If you’re looking for a site that not only sells graduation caps and gowns for reasonable prices but also offers same day shipping, this site is for you. Graduation Source is currently having a 24-hour sale, so if you’re shopping for a cap and gown and want to get an extra 10% off your order, you need to order immediately. This site offers graduation caps and gowns for the entire family, from head start to college to faculty. Prices start at around $15. is where you need to go in order to see what they have to offer.

Graduation Gown

This site has the best selling caps and gowns in the United States, and their gowns are treated with “Happy Guard”, which makes the gowns waterproof and wrinkle resistant. Graduation Gown has any type of graduation gown and cap you could need, whether you’re going to be graduating from kindergarten or college. A full package that includes cap, gown, and tassel starts at $35.

Springer Company

Yet another source that offers great caps and gowns for great prices, Springer Company offers a basic cap and gown set for $23.99, which is their current sale price. Choose between 14 different colors and numerous sizes, from Kindergarten sizes to adult. Springer Company’s caps and gowns are appropriate for all types of graduations, elementary school, junior high, high school and college. See what they have to offer at:
