Popular Wordings for Graduation Invitations – Junior High

As the end of the school year nears, many graduates and their families are looking for the perfect invitation cards to truly capture their feelings for this day. They want graduation invitations that will use words to show friends and well wishers just how important and special this day is for them. For the Junior High graduation invitation, I have come up with some popular wordings for graduation invitations which families can modify to suit their purpose. These wordings can also be modified for use in both High School and College graduations invitations. Best of luck to all the 2008 graduates!

This first invitation is ideal for a family celebrating their first graduate in any level of education. Words can be substituted to fit the individual needs.

I have waited for this day
The day that I finally take a closer step towards my dreams
A closer step towards my parents‘ dreams
Of becoming the first in our family
To culminate junior high school
And inch my way closer
To becoming the first high school graduate in our family

Please join us as we celebrate
This milestone in my life
On date
At time
Please RSVP at Phone number

The next graduation invitation is ideal for a family who emigrated from another country and now shares in the American dream by having their first American born graduate(s).

The dream began 45 years ago
When my grandparents arrived in this country with my now mom a teenager
Their dream was to have a first generation American born
Who will attend American schools and graduate with pride
Today, I get closer to that dream as a graduate from name of junior high school

See also  Best Kindergarten Graduation Favors

Please come share in our dream as we celebrate name of graduate
For his/her achievement as the first in the name of family to graduate in America

Please RSVP at phone number here by date here

The next invitations are ideal for a graduate who is proud of his or her success and wants to share that joy with friends and well-wishers.

With dignity and pride, I, name of graduate
Am pleased to announce my culmination
From name of school
On day and year of graduation

I, Joseph Bruin, have sown my seeds
Now I reap my fruits
Please join me as I participate
In the graduation ceremony
Of my junior high class of 2008
At Bruin Junior High School
On May 29, 2008
At 4 PM
Please RSVP at phone number here

The next invitation is ideal for a grandparent(s) who raised their grand child and want to give him or her graduation party.

The family of Mr. and Mrs. insert last name
Proudly announces the culmination ceremony of their granddaughter/son
Insert name of graduate here
From insert name of school here
On date here
At time here
We are proud of the person you have become name of graduate here!
Please RSVP at phone number here. Come one, come all!