Find a Job Using Staffing Agency

It can be hard to find a job right now. There aren’t a lot of options available, and there’s a lot of competition. I’ve experienced the challenges job searching presents. With little success finding a job on my own, I recently decided to try something different.

I found a job I was interested in on craigslist. When I clicked on the link to apply, I was directed to a local staffing agency’s Web site. I called the number listed next to the job description and the lady on the other end told me the position had been filled, but that I could come in and they’d try to set me up with another job.

I assumed visiting the staffing agency would be a hassle that wasn’t worth my time, so I declined. I did, however, bookmark their job listings page and check it every once in a while.

One day I opened it up and there was a new listing for the job I was interested in. I decided to call the staffing agency again to see if the job was still available. Once again they told me the position had been filled, but to come in and they’d put me on a waiting list, and in the meantime try to get me set up with another job I might be qualified for.

I decided I’d go ahead and try it, although I still didn’t think there was much of a point. Nevertheless I arrived on time for my appointment. The staffing agency had me fill out some paper work and complete and online application. After I finished that, I had an interview with a recruiter and filled out my tax information. I also had to take a drug test and consent to a background check.

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The staffing agency told me that I would be employed with them, and that they would place me in a position I was qualified for as soon as a position was available. All I had to do was call them once a week to let them know I still needed their help to find a job, and they’d do the rest.

I figured that I should still try to find a job on my own, because I didn’t have much faith in the staffing agency. But the day after my appointment, I got a surprise.

My phone rang and the lady on the other end said, “We have a position available for you if you are interested.” It was the position I originally wanted. I told them I was interested and the lady said, “OK, you start Wednesday,” and gave me the address and other information I needed to start the job.

It was a very simple process. A couple weeks after starting my new job, the manager told me they wanted to hire me. Now I am no longer employed as a temp through the staffing agency, but work full time at a job I really enjoy, and it was all because I decided to attend a brief appointment with a staffing agency.

I can’t say that everyone will have the same experience with a staffing agency, but if you are trying to find a job without much success on your own, you should consider using a staffing agency. They may be able to help you find the job that is right for you, and a lot faster too.