Final Fantasy XI: What to Do Before Leaving the Dunes and How to Get to Jeuno

Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) is a very popular massive multi-player role playing game (MMORPG). This walkthrough article is part 4 of a series that will guide the new player through levels 1-75. This series will also include side guides that will show you how to make gil in FFXI. Please note this guide is written with the PC player in mind, but most of the commands and info are valid for all consoles. Enjoy the guide!

Getting your ability to use a subjob and completing your run to Jeuno are rights of passage in Final Fantasy XI. They are something that all experienced players have done and something you must do to progress in the game. Hopefully these tips will make this part of the game a bit easier for you.

Subjob Quest

The subjob quest in Final Fantasy XI can be done at level 18. At this point having a good linkshell will come in handy. Most of the items you will need for this quest can be gained from experience points parties, but occasionally you may be missing one or more items you need. As you will likely be partying in the Dunes, the Selbina quest may be the easier one for you to complete. Here are the steps:

  1. Talk to Isacio at G-10 in Selbina to accept the quest.
  2. Gather together a Crab Apron (falls off snippers in the Dunes, watch for these while in experience points parties), a Damselfly Worm (drops from Damselflies in the Dunes, again watch for them in experience points parties), and a Magicked Skull (this drops from Ghouls in the Dunes, but since you won’t fight these in party much it may be best to get a higher level person from your linkshell to get you one from Gusgen Mines or similar area).
  3. Take these items to Isacio and trade all three simultaneously.
  4. He will grant you the ability to use a support job (subjob).
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Now it’s back to your hometown to start leveling jobs to sub for your main job! If you’ve already done this to a certain point, you can move onto Jeuno or finish up to level 20 in the Dunes. Make sure to always keep your subjob leveled to at least half of your main jobs level. If you have an under-leveled subjob you will greatly reduce your chances for party invites.

Running to Jeuno

The run to Jeuno is something of a time-honored tradition among Final Fantasy XI players. There are a few of methods to do this.

  1. Run to Jeuno on your highest level job, try to avoid all mobs and if you agro something you can’t beat…well try to zone it! If you use this method make sure you have a good buffer in you experience points, basically make sure dying a few times won’t delevel you.
  2. Run to Jeuno on a level 1 job, doing your best to avoid anything you come across. If you use this method at least you won’t lose anything (except time) if you die.
  3. Get a higher level person to escort you (kind of a wimpy way!).
  4. Buy sneak oils and prism powders so you can easily avoid agro. This method is expensive and in my opinion, less fun!

Once you reach Jeuno make sure to set your homepoint here so you do not end up back in Windhurst, Bastok, or San d’Oria the first time you die without a raise in party (or out exploring).
