Farmer’s Almanac Predicts Armageddon Snow & Ice Event

Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts many things, including southern weather with a northern touch after December 21, 2012. What could be in store for the southeast this late December could be as questionable as taking out an Ouija Board and requesting Nostradamus for a second opinion.

Old Farmer’s Almanac steals Armageddon’s spotlight as the most noted farming guide. The guide predicts basic upcoming weather patterns, calling for a late December snow and ice event for the southeast. What is more important, to focus on the end of the Aztec calender world or to focus on snow and ice preparations?

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Since Armageddon has been wired in the minds for generations, it is hard to rewire the fear and anxiety passed down. But when nothing happens, other than the neighbor’s kid making noise, on December 21st the only thing left to do is prepare for another prediction. Take note that if the end of the world begins on December 21st then there is that possibility that you’ll need to be prepared for cold weather anyway since the sun will be blocked out for which there is no escaping that cold weather.

Southern people are spoiled, myself included, with warm temperatures and mild winters. It is rare to see a white Christmas other than tissue paper tossed around the tree after boxes are torn open on Christmas morning. We can only hope Old Farmer’s Almanac is accurate this time around for a bright new beginning to January dressed in white caps, snow ridden hills with that Norman Rockwell appeal.

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But when has Old Farmer’s Almanac fallen short of accuracy and who does not follow the 2012 prediction?

Democratic Underground suggests Old Farmer’s prediction for 2012 winter is off the mark. But then again, it appears that they too followed suit when Google Trends perhaps picked up on opinionated web traffic. Meaning, everyone wanted a piece of that action when the web traffic became congested over keywords of inaccurate Old Farmer’s predictions. Who to believe when it comes to weather predictions? Last year.

Last year North Carolina faced very little in snow and ranged higher in slush action and rain. A bit off the prediction target of Old Farmer’s Almanac. Perhaps the reason why 2012 – 2013 predictions are so brief that there is less of a chance in getting the predictions wrong. Take March’s predicted weather pattern. Old Farmer’s Almanac doesn’t mention that on their site. Take April. A well known rainy month (April showers) that remains, well, rainy according to Old Farmer’s Almanac for 2013. And did you know June usually kicks off hurricane season? If you didn’t, the Almanac reminds you by suggesting that June will kick off hurricane season (you can stop laughing now).

But what if, and it is a big if, the snow and ice event happens at the end of December? Just as the end of the Aztec calender should predict – life goes on, but with a better understanding that Old Farmer’s Almanac can get something right turning the tides of non-believers. And if they are wrong, it just may be Farm-ageddon!

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Related: Old Farmer’s Almanac, “Long-Range Weather”,
(Accessed 9/8/2012)