Facts You Should Know About Ear Candling

Okay this is going to sound weird if you have never heard of this before. But if you go to the health section at some major health food stores you might run into a product called an “ear candle”. And as weird as that may seem they are real. Now you might be looking at me like what the? And think I’m crazy or you’re thinking what is an ear candle. I will try to explain to you as best as I can in what this little device is and what it does. 1st off my self I have not used one on me. However I have been the helper in an ear candle project so you really do need someone else to help you if you are going to use one or 2 as recommended.

Basically an ear candle is a little tunnel tube with a small point in the end. They are shaped in a cone. The point is supposed to go into your ear and when it is lit it is supposed to draw ear wax and other nasty things stuck in your ear. The way this is done Ewww right!

They are usually made of linen with some wax. A lot of people do “ear candling” due to the fact they believe it cures a lot of aliments. Some of the things people claim they can help you heal:

– Cleansing out the canal of the Ear

– Help the improvement of hearing

– Relieve earaches

– Regulate ear Pressure

– Relive vertigo

– Stop Ringing in the Ears

See also  Common Causes of Ringing in the Ears

The above is just a small list of what others claim they help. Ear candles usually cost $2.00 and up per a candle. I have assisted in helping a person do this to there ear. They had a foil pie pan and they cut a whole for the ear candle to go through so that they would not get wax on on there neck and burn them. Then with their head tilted and them laying on there side I lit the candle and they laid like that for about 10 to 15 minutes for the candle to get low. Then you blow out the flame.

The person I helped with this, swore that they could hear better. As I have stated I have still not tried and I’m not sure that I would. There are also a lot of other people that believe “ear candling” is not good for your health and they say that the cons out weigh the benefits of doing it. Some of the cons they state are:

– Being burned by the hot wax

Ear drum problems after “ear candling

Impaired hearing

Ear pain

Emergency room visits

Just to name a few. If you decide to use an ear candle make sure to read up all you can before hand and decide if you believe if the risks out weigh the benefits. And remember if you do decide to do it, to pay attention to all the directions on the package.