Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal

The Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal has made it to prime time. That’s right. Just when you thought it was safe to turn on the T.V. The fab five Texas cheerleader scandal has its own place now on the lifetime network. Just take a moment to try and figure out what it is about. Fab five Texas cheerleader scandal must have something to do with cheerleaders, Texas and something else oh so scandalous. Who knows what that could be?

Fab five Texas Cheerleader Scandal as a show is not a surprise. It seems to have all the elements of what has become fodder for entertainment today. The show is of course based upon the true story of a group of cheerleaders from a town somewhere that doesn’t need to be any more embarrassed than I’m sure it already has been. The Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal is probably hugely embarrassing for those who were involved. If not directly embarrassing to them, I’m sure their families are just thrilled that the fab five Texas cheerleader scandal will now be immortalized in film for all time.

If the title isn’t embarrassing enough, the quality of the programming surely will be. How pathetic to have the title of something like this, the fab five Texas cheerleader scandal, play off of the name give to one of the greatest bands in the history of modern music. Sure, the name “Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal” comes from the name given by the true to life coach of the original squad the show is based upon, but obviously it was held on to in order to catch the attention of an unsuspecting viewing audience.

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Surely people who will be tuning in to see the fab five Texas cheerleader scandal, in all its glory, will not be expecting anything that even remotely resembles quality entertainment. The fab five Texas Cheerleader scandal will obviously stand as another example of how the Internet can be used for humiliation and degradation. It is still some kind of wonder how this type of story is mistaken for entertainment.

It is no surprise that something like the fab five Texas cheerleader scandal would catch the eyes of television producers today. It seems to have all the elements of what more of the viewing audience is looking for. The fab five Texas Cheerleader scandal will guarantee to titillate and capture the gratefulness of those who chose to tune in. Grateful in that those watching will be thankful that the show is not about themselves. Rather it is a train wreck of monumental proportions that involved young girls who probably knew better but chose not to react accordingly. More shameful of course will be the depiction of the authority figure who took advantage of these girls for all they were worth. All in all, the fab five Texas cheerleader scandal will promise to hold a mirror up to those who are watching who will undoubtedly miss the point once again. Isn’t that what television is all about these days?