F the Dealer – A Great Drinking Game

This game’s name says it all, if you are the dealer you are going to get pretty messed up. This drinking game is played with a deck of cards and some friends. There are many variations to the rules of this game, I am going to tell you the rules we use when we play and then also list some variations you can also try out.

This game can be played with 3 or more players. To start someone must be the dealer, many times you decide this by drawing cards and the player with the lowest card is the dealer. The dealer has to play the whole game as the dealer they never pass the deck of cards. These rules make the game truly F-The dealer rules. The dealer will do a good deal of drinking; the other players will drink some but not nearly as much, because there are more of them and they have better odds. Another strict rule is that anyone who starts playing the game must deal once; otherwise it’s not fair to the people who have dealt the cards.

So now that you have selected a dealer you will need to setup the playing field. To do this the dealer will need to place one of each card from the 2 to Ace face up on the table. Now basically it’s a game of high-low. The dealer will look at the next card on top of the deck making sure no one else sees the card. Then a player will guess which card on the table they think the dealer is holding. If the player does not guess right on the first try the dealer will tell the player if the card is higher or lower than their first guess. Then the player guesses again, if they get it wrong on the second chance they must drink the difference between their guess and the actual card. Example of this is if a player’s second guess is a 2 and the card is a 5 then they drink 3 drinks. If the player guesses the card on the first try (the dealer is F-ed) then the dealer drinks 10 drinks. If the player gets it right on the second try then the dealer drinks 5 drinks.

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This continues on until all of the cards are played by the dealer. When four of a single card has been played then those cards are flipped face down; making it easier for the players to (F-the Dealer) guess the card the dealer has. Near the end of the deck the dealer truly is F#$ked and has to drink a lot, hence the name of the game.

There are several other variations of this game but I don’t find them as fun, they are for light weights. One other version of the game is where the dealer can pass the cards to another player once three consecutive players fail to guess the card of the dealer. This way you don’t drink as much, but I don’t think it really makes the game that fun.

A fun way to add more drinks for the players is when ever the someone guesses right on the first or second try everyone must yell F-ck the dealer and cheers and drink one drink. If a player is away from the table for any reason and miss the cheers they must drink ten drinks. Just adds a little more fun and activity to the game.

Another way people often play is to create the field with the guessing method. This takes to long if you ask me, but if you add this to my way of playing the dealer is going to pass out after their turn. Basically to play this way no cards are placed on the table, the dealer looks at the first card and a player guesses the card, if they get it right it goes on the table and the dealer drinks 10. If they guess wrong the dealer tells them higher or lower than their guess, and the player guesses again, if they get it right the dealer drinks 5. If they are wrong again then they drink the difference of the cards. This is the same as before just takes a long time to create the field. These rules add more drinks for the dealer.

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You can create your own rules for the game that suit how you want to play. The best way to play is with my rules but play however you want. The important thing is that everyone has fun playing and that you all get to experience this great game.